Professional experience placements are important learning experiences, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge in a professional setting.
Before going on placement there are compliance requirements you need to undertake.
View the topic-specific placement information below.
The rest of the information below about preparing for placement and while you're on placement is for all postgraduate nursing students.
If you are undertaking a workplace-based placement, please follow your organisation's dress code and uniform policy.
For students undertaking a placement outside of their usual workplace, a general rule is neat, modest, casual dress with enclosed shoes will be worn while on placement, but please check the dress requirements for each of your placement venues to ensure that this is suitable.
Dress code for religious requirements:
• Long-sleeved shirt must be tight enough so when pushed up to the elbows, the sleeves do not roll down. Students will be required to roll the sleeves up when performing clinical procedures and to maintain asepsis in all areas.
• Head wear: plain navy or black head covering/hijab tightly fitted with the face fully visible.
If you are undertaking a workplace-based placement, please follow your organisation's name badge policy.
During your pre-service teaching placement you are required to wear a name badge.
Collecting in person from Central Library
Mailed out
A picture on your clinical name badge is linked to your student identification card. You must have your student ID card before a clinical name badge can be issued. If you have not had one, please Request a Student ID Card HERE.
You can request a clinical name badge without receiving a physical student ID. However, please allow up to 48 hours for the photo processing.
All venues will provide a compulsory orientation for students prior to or on the first day of placement. Some venues require that students attend an on-site orientation in person, others provide an online package prior to placement, and some venues will require both.
On your first day of placement you will:
If you do not attend or complete your allocated placement venue orientation, you will not have met the venue compliance criteria and your placement educator (facilitator) will send you home; you will not be able to complete this placement.
As part of your professional responsibility, you are required to ensure that you:
It is your responsibility to arrive at your venue at least ten minutes before the shift begins. This will ensure you arrive in a timely manner and be prepared to engage in a full handover of your patients or clients, ask required questions and assist the previous shift to complete activities before leaving.
Any hours missed during your placement must be ‘made up’ as you need to attend for the allocated duration. Missed placement hours may mean that you:
Contact your placement educator (facilitator) as soon as possible to discuss strategies for making up missed hours. With limited placement opportunities available, it is not always possible to negotiate make-up shifts or an extension to your placement.
This section provides guidance for finding solutions for issues that may arise during a placement, and suggestions about appropriate people to contact.
Issues sometimes arise on placement that you may not be able to resolve by yourself. Who to contact and potential solutions are covered below. Keep in mind that you are required to maintain professional behaviour and communication with those at the placement venue.
The placement communication framework (available below) provides information about who to contact when you have a question about your placement.
When an issue arises at the venue where you are doing your professional experience placement, the first person to contact is always your PEP facilitator.
Your PEP facilitator is there to act as your advocate and to help resolve any matters of concern.
If the matter cannot be resolved with the assistance of your PEP facilitator:
If you have done this and the problem is still not fixed - what to do next:
Where appropriate and as far as is possible, your anonymity will be preserved.
Remember that you have free access to the University Health, Counselling and Disability Services.
Flinders University is committed to ensuring that students can participate in workplaces that are free from bullying, harassment and discrimination, and where people are respected and diversity is embraced.
The College complies with the Flinders University principles outlined in No bullying at Flinders.
If you feel that you are being, or have been, bullied or harassed at a placement venue, report this immediately to your placement educator/facilitator and/or your topic coordinator.
Also, seek support and assistance as soon as possible from the University Student Equal Opportunity Adviser, who provides assistance to resolve complaints that arise from harassment or bullying, under the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy (PDF).
During your Professional Experience Placement (PEP) you may find some of the learning objectives more difficult to achieve than others - this is a normal part of learning. You can discuss these issues with your PEP facilitator if you are having difficulty in achieving any of the topic learning outcomes. They will assist you in developing learning strategies to achieve the expected outcomes.
A breach of conduct is when situations arise where there are serious deficits in the way a student conducts themselves or behaves while on placement, for example when a student:
When a breach of conduct occurs, the student will be referred to the topic coordinator who will review whether they can continue activity within the topic, depending on the severity of the breach.
Patients and the public expect to be in a safe environment within a placement venue. If at any time a student demonstrates unsafe practice during a placement, they will be immediately withdrawn from the placement venue. The placement educator (facilitator) will then notify the topic coordinator and course coordinator, in writing, of the event or activity that required the removal of a student from the venue.
Unsafe professional practice include:
If the issue/s that caused the removal of a student from placement can be resolved, and the venue agrees, a student may continue their placement. Negotiation for the support of a Professional Learning Plan may also be considered.
The topic coordinator, in consultation with the placement educator (facilitator) and relevant clinical staff, will determine whether a student may be reinstated.
If a student’s behaviour or practice is such that they would fail the topic, then they will not be reinstated.
Postgraduate nursing students may attend a placement in a rural or remote venue. A rural venue is defined by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard Remoteness Areas 2-5.
Student Reimbursement Policy for SA rural, remote and interstate placements (1 February 2025)
This policy is for College of Nursing and Health Sciences students undertaking a rural or remote South Australian or any interstate placement.
Students will be eligible for reimbursement following each completed placement in line with this policy.
Reimbursement claims are processed at the completion of placement. Reimbursement claims must be submitted by the 15 January the following year for reimbursement of placement expenses the previous calendar year.
Students living in a rural or interstate location while completing their course qualify for reimbursement when they undertake placement in a metropolitan location.
Accommodation expenses will be reimbursed to a maximum of $150 per week for the duration of the placement period.
Students must provide evidence for payment of accommodation, a receipt is preferred where possible, bank statement or signed letter from landlord can also be provided as evidence. Bonds and security deposits for accommodation, paid by students, are not covered by this policy and will not be reimbursed.
It is expected students stay in their allocated rural placement location area when undertaking a rural placement experience. Usual living expenses, including rent at a semester address, will not be covered under this policy.
Travel will be reimbursed to a maximum of $500 for travel expenses to and from the placement venue, at the commencement and completion of the placement based on the receipts provided (such as flights, bus, taxi fare). Students will not be reimbursed for travel while on placement returning to their residential address (e.g. at the end of a shift or on weekends during placement).
Students travelling within SA to rural and remote locations by a private vehicle will receive a predetermined amount to cover fuel expenses. Students will not be required to submit receipts. The total amount students will receive is provided on the Personal Travel Reimbursement - SA Rural Locations (PDF).
All accommodation and travel reimbursements will be subjected to the following criteria;
Accommodation [$1,500] + Travel [$600] – Scholarship [$500] = $1,600 (Reimbursement)
Reimbursement process
Students are to submit reimbursement claims as per the following process:
You must ensure you keep your accommodation and travel expense receipts/invoices.
For more information please contact
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: BGL Work Integrated Learning
Location: Education Building Front Office (Level 4, Room 4.69)
Phone: 8201 5410
FLO page: EPSW Work Integrated Learning
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: HASS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Flinders Medical Centre, Level 5 Room 5E213
Phone: 7221 8390
FLO page: MPH Work integrated Learning
Location: Level 1, North Wing, Sturt campus
Phone: 8201 7500
FLO page: NHS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Tonsley and Bedford Park
Phone: 8201 5133
FLO page: CSE Work Integrated Learning
Location: Room 003 Registry, Bedford Park
Phone: 08 8201 5893
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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