Flinders University only organises placements in South Australia.
Placement is to commence from week 6 and conclude within 3 months. Unless you have received (partial) exemption due to a recognition of your prior knowledge and clinical achievements. Ideally, this is undertaken 2 days per week to support your learning over the semester to progressively build your theory and provide time for reflection between your placement days, you may also undertake this placement as a 'block'. The minimum placements are:
It is recommended that students explore their placement options and requirements prior to enrolment.
The required placement experiences may not be available in your local area and some travel may be necessary to address all the placement requirements.
Most venues cannot offer all services, you will most likely need to engage with at least 2 different providers to gain all the required experiences.
You are required to source and confirm your placement venues. You must provide this notice not later than 2 weeks prior to your commencement.
We have developed some fact sheets to assist you in planning your placements. Please click on the below to find out more by region.