Academic transcript
The history of your academic performance at the University and shows all topics studied, the grades received and your grade point average. The transcript also shows credit granted for previous study and any prizes and awards that you have received.
The way your topic will be taught, eg lectures, practicals, tutorials, seminars, etc.
Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
A single document that provides information about a student's higher education qualification, the institution at which the qualification was obtained and the Australian higher education system.
Ask Flinders
Contains frequently asked questions and the portal to submit an online support request.
Census date
The day on which student contribution amounts or tuition fees are incurred.
Each activity may have one or more classes in which teaching is repeated to small groups, eg you may need to choose between a number of tutorial classes, or the lectures may be repeated at a later time.
Clinical placement
Provide an opportunity for a student to focus on applying the knowledge and skills that they have acquired to a clinical or allied health care setting working with patients or clients. The placement is only available to students following successful completion of required assessments and other requirements.
An organisational division within the University (e.g. College of Science and Engineering) covering a particular area of study.
Combined degrees
Concurrent enrolment of a student in two separate stand-alone courses, which results in a reduction in the overall number of units required for completion of the courses.
Commonwealth Assistance Form (CAF)
An online form required for Commonwealth supported students and to defer fees.
Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN)
An electronic statement of Commonwealth support, including student contribution amounts and/or HELP loans.
Commonwealth supported student
A domestic student studying an undergraduate degree or a Commonwealth supported (government subsidised) postgraduate course.
Computer laboratory
A session involving a brief informal presentation by a facilitator followed by group discussion and skills-based learning that allows students to apply the theory learned to develop practical skills. It always requires the use of specialised computer equipment or software e.g., equipment or software required for VFX, 3D modelling, or software engineering.
Core topics
Compulsory subjects (topics) which form the basis of your course.
A program of study leading to a degree, diploma or certificate.
Course coordinator
The person responsible for a particular course who can advise you on such matters as topic selection, study program, and problems with study.
Course rule
A statement of the completion requirements and program of study for your course. Read the course rule in the Handbook and seek advice if you do not understand what is required.
Recognition of prior studies or work experience granted towards a course.
Delaying the start of a course of study by one year (commencing students only). If you have already enrolled, then you need to withdraw from topics before you can defer.
Double degrees
Two courses studied at the same time that cannot be studied as independent courses eg Education/Health Sciences.
Elective/option topics
Topics that can be chosen as part of your course.
You enrol in core and/or elective/option topics. Enrolment in topics will result in student contribution amounts or tuition fees being charged to your Fee Account.
Fee Account
A system-generated statement of fees and associated information including payment dates.
A loan scheme that assists eligible full fee paying students pay their tuition fees.
Field trip
Any work, research, study or activity approved by a college/portfolio undertaken by staff and students off-campus at an urban, rural, remote, freshwater or marine location.
Flinders Authentication Name (FAN)
Your personal username for accessing online systems at Flinders University
Flinders Learning Online (FLO)
The online learning platform used by Flinders University, commonly referred to as FLO. FLO is the major teaching and communication tool for topics. It is where you will find your topic information, submit your assignments, watch lecture recordings, participate in online discussions, plus much more.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Your grade point average (GPA) is the average of the final grades you have achieved, taking into account topic unit values.
Higher Education Contribution Scheme - Higher Education Loan Program (HECS-HELP)
The government loan scheme that assists eligible Commonwealth supported students in paying their student contribution fees.
Intensive workshop
A facilitated group discussion or demonstration that usually has a specified outcome or goal. Smaller than a lecture, with more opportunities for participation and engagement, and larger than a tutorial, typically five or more hours in duration.
A session involving a brief informal presentation by a facilitator followed by group discussion and skills-based learning. It always requires the use of specialised equipment or teaching space. A laboratory allows students to apply the theory learned to develop practical skills, usually working in small groups with discussion.
Leave of absence
A one-year period of leave from study (continuing students only).
A formal presentation by a facilitator, typically to a large number of students, that usually has limited opportunity for engagement and group discussion with repeat lectures containing the same content. They are also automatically recorded when scheduled in a teaching space, such as a lecture theatre, that provides this functionality.
Represents a sequence of study that will add value to or accommodate the individual interests and aspirations of students, is relevant or complementary to the field of study aligned with a student’s course and consists of 36 units of study.
Recognises and certifies a set of specific learning elements, knowledge, competencies and/ or professional skills.
Represents a sequence of study that will add value to or accommodate the individual interests and aspirations of students, is relevant or complementary to the field of study aligned with a student’s course and consists of 18 units of study.
Mode of delivery
The mode of delivery defines how a course or topic is studied.
Course modes include:
Topic modes include:
*International students please note: courses and topics offered in Online Plus placement/intensive mode are considered online for the purposes of the ESOS Act. Courses offered in Online plus Placement/intensive cannot be offered to onshore international students. International students may take topics offered in Online Plus placement/intensive mode, however these will contribute to the one-third limit of online topics for international students.
Negotiated program
An activity typically undertaken by an honour or postgraduate student that negotiates a project with a specific outcome with a facilitator and a defined unit value.
Online lecture
A formal presentation by a facilitator, typically to a large number of students attending online, that usually has limited opportunity for engagement and group discussion. There is no opportunity for attending the online lecture on campus. Some lectures may be pre-recorded and available for students to view asynchronously.
Online tutorial
An online facilitated discussion and exploration of ideas and key concepts. Students are encouraged to have a high level of engagement and participation. There is no opportunity for attending the online tutorial on campus.
A loan for students enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) who want to study some of their course overseas.
Postgraduate fee-paying student
A domestic student studying a postgraduate degree which is not Commonwealth supported.
You need to register into individual classes to attend those class times. If there is only one class available you will be automatically registered.
A loan program that allows students to borrow from the Commonwealth to cover some or all of their Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).
The academic year is divided into two semesters for most teaching. Some topics are held in summer and other non-semester periods.
A semi-formal presentation, typically by an expert, followed by a facilitated discussion on an identified topic supporting advanced study.
Represents a specific sub-area of a discipline or can be a discipline in its own right and consists of 36 units at the undergraduate level or 18 units at the postgraduate level. Appears on a student's testamur and academic transcript as it forms part of the name of the award.
Student contribution amount
Your contribution as a Commonwealth supported student to the cost of your course, the Government pays the balance.
Student services and amenities fee (SSAF)
A compulsory fee to be used for prescribed student support services and amenities which are of a non-academic nature.
Student System
Where you can accept your offer to study at Flinders, view and update your personal details, enrol in topics and register in class activities, view your final topic results and view your graduation status.
Supervised study
An activity that provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning undertaken in other sessions such as tutorials or workshops. Sessions can be facilitated by an expert or student peers, such as third-year students facilitating sessions for first-year students.
Swot vac
The time before exams when there are no scheduled classes, which enables students to prepare for exams.
The official certificate issued by the University. It is a legal document signed by the University Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor that verifies the award has been conferred and you have received a University qualification.
A subject that forms part of your course. A full-time first year student will normally enrol in four topics in each semester, depending on their course requirements.
Topic code
An alphanumeric code that identifies a topic by subject area and level, eg BIOL1112 Biology and Society. Quote the code whenever you are making enquiries or enrolling in a topic.
Topic coordinator
The person responsible for a topic. Direct any topic related queries to your topic coordinator.
Tuition fee
The cost of your study as a fee-paying student.
A facilitated discussion and exploration of ideas and key concepts. Usually smaller than a workshop or a lecture. Students are encouraged to have a high level of engagement and participation.
Each topic is given a weighting in units. Full-time students normally complete 18 units each semester, or 36 units a year. A 3-year course requires the successful completion of 108 units that meet the course requirements.
Unofficial transcript
An unofficial record of your studies, showing the course you are studying, all topics you have enrolled in, credit you have received, topic grades, the unit value of your enrolled topics and your grade point average (GPA).
Upper level classes
Classes for topics of a level of study above the first year of an undergraduate degree, including all postgraduate topics.
A reserve list of students where a class is full.
To change topics or not continue studying a topic, you must withdraw your enrolment in that topic. When you withdraw you will be automatically removed from all class registrations.
Work integrated learning
Practical experience in a workplace setting, directly related to the course you're studying. WIL can be in the form of:
A facilitated group discussion or demonstration that usually has a specified outcome or goal. Smaller than a lecture, with more opportunities for collaboration and engagement, and larger than a tutorial. Typically, less than a total of five hours in duration.