Last day to enrol and pay fees for Semester 1
Census Date for Semester 1
Mid-semester break
Last day to withdraw without failure - Semester 1 topics
Exam weeks
Finding all the services and support available to you as a student can be a little daunting. We've highlighted a few key services by category in the filter above or you can browse through the full list on the services and support page.
Finding all the services and support available to you as a student can be a little daunting. We've highlighted a few key services by category in the filter above or you can browse through the full list on the services and support page.
Explore our extensive range of free support services to support your mental, cultural, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Access the free and confidential counselling service Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, available to all students. Our qualified, experienced counsellors can assist with any personal or academic issues. Outside of these hours, crisis support is available.
A free, confidential service for students who have a disability.
Disability includes medical and/or mental health conditions, learning difficulties or any disability that impacts on study.
Access the confidential, fully equipped and accredited health service which is available to all currently enrolled students.
SA Pathology is also available on campus.
All eligible consultations are bulk-billed.
That's not all...
There are loads of health and wellbeing services available to you.
Having the right tools to navigate through University life and study efficiently is the key to your success as a student.
Get help with academic writing, basic mathematics, referencing, Endnote and general study skills.
Access online study guide resources to help with writing, exams, referencing, mathematics, English language and general study skills.
Get online study help 24/7 including draft assignment feedback and live chat with subject specialists, even during semester breaks.
That's not all...
There are loads of study and learning services available to you.
Learn about the range of university and government financial assistance services you may be eligible for.
A wide range of scholarships are available to provide financial support to students who need it.
Interest free loans of up to $500 are available to eligible students.
Get financial information and assistance regarding government assistance, debt negotiation, hardship loan variations, personal finances, budgeting and more.
That's not all...
View all the financial services available to you.
Flinders is dedicated to supporting you to prepare for and step into your career.
Explore a range of free services and programs to launch your career. Explore your career options. Apply and search for jobs. Connect with industry and build your professional skills and networks.
Horizon Professional Development Award program
Join over 4,000 students in this free, opt-in program to develop your professional skills, gain new experiences and increase your employability. Participate and get recognised for extra-curricular activities that sit outside of your study through this leading, industry-aligned award program.
CareerHub is your dedicated Flinders careers portal. View current job vacancies. Learn how to craft your resume and cover letter and nail that job interview. Register in over 200 free career-related events, workshops and webinars, annually.
That's not all...
View all the career and employment services available to you.
Flinders International is the first point of contact for all onshore international students and offers a range of programs supporting your enrolment, study and social life.
International Student Services
ISS supports all international students studying at Flinders University campuses in Australia. We support students who are experiencing challenges in adjusting to the Australian academic and living environment, including one-to-one confidential appointments with an international student advisor.
The ISS organises a general orientation program for new international students, day and weekend tours throughout the semester, social activities and information sessions.
That's not all...
View all the international support services available to onshore international students.
Support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are offered by Yunggorendi Student Engagement.
The student lounge offers study spaces, computer suite, kitchen with food pantry and relaxation area close to support staff.
The Indigenous student support officers are available to work directly with you to provide individual support throughout your degree.
Study skills advisors are available to help with improving general academic study skills.
That's not all...
View all the support services available to indigenous students.
Flinders Connect can assist you with a range of student admin enquiries and the Information and Digital Services team provides support for all your technical and software needs.
Flinders University provides high speed Wi-Fi (eduroam) on campus as well as at other participating education institutions and medical facilities.
Software and home use licences
Find information on the software available for you to use, how to get access and training materials.
Flinders provides campus computers and printers for student use.
That's not all...
View all the admin & technology support services available.
Campus Security is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assist with an emergency or safety threat. In an emergency, please call 000, then Security on 8201 2880. Our security officers are trained in first response and first aid and all security vehicles are equipped with automatic defibrillators.
Trained security officers are available to escort you to locations on or near the Bedford Park campus. This free service is available to all students from anywhere on campus.
If you need to access University buildings after hours, visit the Security Office next to Flinders Connect on the Plaza at Bedford Park for assistance. You can also request access by logging a Service One request.
Contact Security (next to Flinders Connect on the Plaza) to check if your property has been handed in or call 8201 5151.
That's not all...
View all the security related support services.
Flinders is here to support you every step of the way with your enrolment. We are also available to talk through options if you are considering changing your course.
General student administration enquiries
Flinders Connect is your first point of call for queries relating to your student administration. This includes your enrolment, credit transfers, finances, examinations, and graduation.
Speak to someone about deferring my degree or apply for a leave of absence.
During peak enrolment periods Flinders Connect runs a dedicated support service to assist you to enrol and register in class activities.
That's not all...
View all the enrolment and course related support services.
Flinders is based at regional locations across South Australia at Barossa Valley, Berri, Mt Gambier, Murray Bridge, Port Lincoln, Renmark, and Victor Harbor. Find out more about our regional SA locations.
Flinders NT has a large presence across the Northern Territory, including Darwin, Nhulunbuy, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs. Find out more about our NT locations.
Flinders is based at regional locations across South Australia at Barossa Valley, Berri, Mt Gambier, Murray Bridge, Port Lincoln, Renmark, and Victor Harbor. Find out more about our regional SA locations.
Flinders NT has a large presence across the Northern Territory, including Darwin, Nhulunbuy, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs. Find out more about our NT locations.
Contact Flinders Connect with all your enquiries. We are located on Level 0, Central Library, Bedford Park campus.
*Studying outside Australia? See information about calling from overseas
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
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