This information outlines the workplace health and safety requirements for volunteer engagement to assist the University to meet its duty of care under WHS legislation for people undertaking volunteer work for the University. This may be across a number of aspects of work including field trips, events or other tasks related to the University’s operations.
A volunteer is a person who willingly provides their time to undertake work for the University on a voluntary basis, without payment or financial reward. Volunteers may receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses or a true honorarium.
Volunteer responsibilities
In accordance with the SA Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and equivalent legislation in relevant jurisdictions, it states that, while at work, a volunteer is a worker. For University voluntary work volunteers must adhere to the responsibilities listed in the Volunteer Safety Procedures.
Screening checks
Volunteers undertaking work which involves, or may involve, children, people with disabilities, aged and/or vulnerable people must obtain the necessary clearance in the relevant state/territory before starting the volunteer work (see SA Government, Working with children clearance (NT)).
University’s responsibilities
People engaging volunteers (also known as volunteer supervisors) must do so in line with the Volunteer Safety Procedures. These procedures outline volunteer supervisor responsibilities, including induction and training, risk management, supervision and record keeping. It is also important to consult with volunteers on WHS matters that may impact on them and their work.
All volunteers prior to starting any activities must complete and sign the declaration on one of the following forms:
- A person under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign.
- All declarations must be signed and approved by the volunteer’s supervisor
- Depending on the volunteer work, they may also need to provide evidence of screening checks.
- Volunteers are not covered by workers compensation insurance in activities associated with their voluntary position.
- Volunteers should contact Risk and Assurance Services with any questions related to volunteer insurance.
Useful links