Professional experience is a critical component of pre-service teacher education as it enables you to integrate theory and practice.
Over the four years of the combined degree, primary and middle schooling/secondary students are required to complete a minimum of 80 days of professional experience and early childhood, a minimum of 95 days. Some pre-service teachers undertake extended placements of ten weeks and internships in their final year. Selection criteria apply.
Master of Teaching students are required to complete 65 days (early childhood 70 days) of professional experience over a period of two years.
Placements will be undertaken at specific times during the year (see calendars/planners) and on a full-time basis.
The academic and professional staff work in collaboration with sites to support pre-service teachers to undertake placements across a diverse range of settings. Most pre-service teachers say that this is one of the most rewarding parts of their course!
Before going on placement you will need to ensure you have passed all pre-requisites such as lecture topics. You also need to provide the following compliance documents.
You need a number of compulsory clearances to undertake compulsory training before being allocated a placement.
You will not be eligible for placement until deemed fully compliant.
Activity | What you need to do |
Form / more information | Submit to |
Fitness for placement declaration | Declare your fitness for placement by reading and acknowledging the Fitness for Placement statement on InPlace. Let the University know if you have an access plan. |
N/A | InPlace |
Student consent for placement | Read and acknowledge the relevant essential conditions around student consent for placement using the applicable form. (Please note: if you are required to undertake multiple placements during your degree, you may be required to read both student consent documents, check with your WIL Support Team if you are unsure.) | Placements undertaken outside Flinders University - Student Consent for Placement Statement (PDF) OR Placements undertaken within Flinders University ONLY - Student Consent for Internal WIL Placement with Flinders University Statement (PDF) |
InPlace |
Intellectual property for placement |
Watch the student IP declaration, then acknowledge your understanding in InPlace. |
Student Intellectual Property Statement (PDF) | InPlace |
COVID – 19 Vaccination | Upload your COVID-19 vaccination certificate. If not vaccinated, you are still eligible for a placement. Please contact the Work Integrated Learning Support Team via email. |
Many schools require pre-service teachers to be fully vaccinated (defined as receiving at least 3x TGA approved COVID-19 vaccinations). Unvaccinated pre-service teachers are still eligible for placement in schools but may need to abide by additional COVID safe protocols as determined by the placement school. Unvaccinated pre-service teachers may not be able to attend schools with vulnerable populations such as special and inclusive education, disability, indigenous and Torres-strait Islander, or students with serious medical conditions. |
InPlace |
Emergency contact |
Confirm your emergency contact details are up to date in the Student Information System. | Student System |
Activity | What you need to do | Form / more information | Submit to |
Working with Children check | What you need to do: Apply for a Working With Children Check (WWCC) via the DHS Screening Unit website. Note the following when applying:
DHS compliance information | InPlace |
Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect (RRHAN-EC).
Undertake Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC). Upload the certificate(s) to InPlace. |
There are 2 RRHAN-EC courses: Fundamentals Course and Masterclass Course and you can find out which training you are required to undertake here. For more information about RRHAN-EC training, please see Department for Education website on RRHAN-EC Requirements. Training can be undertaken by registering with any of the following preferred registered providers. Australian Education Union (AEU) - Training is free to all members. You can join as a student member and register for a RAN training session. Educators SA Access OCAR |
InPlace |
Placements are sought by the WIL team – students are not permitted to source their own placements.
All attempts are made to provide you with a diversity of placement settings depending on your degree.
We aim for a placement location within 35km of your residence but this can go up to a 50km distance. Scholarships may be available to support rural placements. Selection criteria apply.
If you want to do your placement interstate please specify this in your InPlace application, speak to the topic coordinator and the WIL placement officer regarding your request.
Once you have completed your application on InPlace and we process it, an available placement will be allocated to you. You will receive an email advising you of this.
Once allocated, you are obliged to take up the placement as forfeiting it may result in a delay, meaning a delay in completing your course.
You cannot be placed in a site/school where there may be a conflict of interest, eg in your child’s, partner’s or friend’s school, or where you currently work.
Placements are sought by the WIL team – students are not permitted to source their own placements. As there are a lot of students to find placements for, and we rely on sites to offer placements, you may need to wait for your allocation.
During your pre-service teaching placement you are required to wear a name badge.
Collecting in person from Central Library
Mailed out
You will not be left alone with a class while you’re on placement. As a pre-service teacher you can’t be given legal responsibility.
You are also not allowed to be paid during the placement.
Your professional experience placement is continuous and full-time. You must arrive and depart from the school as if you are a full-time teacher and endeavour to participate fully in school activities with staff and students. Professionalism, preparation and organisation are the keys to a successful placement.
Your first responsibility is to make contact with the school coordinator and mentor teacher before the school day begins (or the night before if possible). Remember a classroom of students may be counting on you. You will need to negotiate with the school coordinator and mentor to make up any sick days at the end of your placement to meet teacher registration requirements. You need to negotiate with your school coordinator and mentor teacher a mutually agreeable time to allow all missed days to be made up. You cannot make up missed days when University lectures and tutorials are scheduled.
If you are absent for an extended period of time (beyond 5 days) you may need to withdraw from your placement.
If schools have a pupil-free day during placement, the school should determine your attendance and participation for that day. This can be a valuable professional learning opportunity and we encourage you to participate. If you don't then you are expected to negotiate additional time with your supervising teacher to make up the required number of professional experience days.
View further important information about your placement in the professional experience handbooks below.
Location: Education Building Front Office (Level 4, Room 4.69)
Phone: 8201 5410
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: BGL Work Integrated Learning
Location: Education Building Front Office (Level 4, Room 4.69)
Phone: 8201 5410
FLO page: EPSW Work Integrated Learning
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: HASS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Flinders Medical Centre, Level 5 Room 5E213
Phone: 7221 8390
FLO page: MPH Work integrated Learning
Location: Level 1, North Wing, Sturt campus
Phone: 8201 7500
FLO page: NHS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Tonsley and Bedford Park
Phone: 8201 5133
FLO page: CSE Work Integrated Learning
Location: Room 003 Registry, Bedford Park
Phone: 08 8201 5893
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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