Program Title: Mapping Cross-country Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Program Location: Jakarta, Indonesia (virtual delivery)
Program Overview:
This program aims to provide Flinders University students an opportunity to interact with Indonesian business communities to unlock the potentials of cross-border business partnerships and entrepreneurial opportunities, and enable them with industry-informed business education. This virtual tour will increase awareness of the growing business opportunities in the region (specifically in Indonesia) and the industry needs and necessary skills. Students will work on a project as well as attend presentations, workshops and cultural sessions. Students will hear from BINUS University (Indonesia) academics, industry experts, local business and community organisations. By participating in virtual culture and awareness sessions, students will be able to discover more about the country’s rich culture, history, traditions and language. At the completion of the virtual tour, students will submit a 2000 word report outlining Indonesian business environment, and reflection on their experience in completing this tour and their key learning outcomes in relation to their career goal.
Program Dates: 21 November 2022 – 5 December 2022
Places Available: Up to 11 funded places with the New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant.
Application Deadline: Submit an Expression of Interest to Dr Sharif Rasel by 5pm 31 August 2022.
Credit: On successful completion of the study tour/assessment, students should be eligible to receive 4.5 units of credit.
Financial Assistance:
A total of up to 11 x $1,899 New Colombo Plan Mobility grants are available to support eligible participants with costs.
How to Apply:
Students who do not have BUSN2047B International Study Tour available in their study-plan should submit an online enquiry via Ask Flinders (click “Request Support”) and have your study plan checked by College before applying. Please ask the following question in your enquiry:
Do I have a 4.5 unit topic BUSN2047B International Study Tour available that will allow me to participate in the NCP program titled “Mapping Cross-country Entrepreneurial Opportunities”?
Your expression of interest EOI should include the following:
Selection Criteria:
GPA and personal statement.
Further Information:
Associate Professor Vipul Pare
College of Business, Government and Law
Phone: +61 8 82012344
Dr. Sharif Rasel
College of Business, Government and Law
Phone: +61 8 82015809
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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