There are a wide range of support and services available at Flinders to help you succeed.
Use the links below to find out more.
Explore our extensive range of free support services to support your mental, cultural, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Access the confidential, fully equipped and accredited health service which is available to all currently enrolled students.
SA Pathology is also available on campus.
All eligible consultations are bulk-billed.
Access the free and confidential counselling service Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, available to all students. Our qualified, experienced counsellors can assist with any personal or academic issues. Face-to-face and telehealth appointments are available.
Outside these hours, crisis support is available by calling 1300 512 409 or texting 0488 884 103 (this includes weekends and public holidays).
A free, confidential service for students who have a disability. Support includes help with access plans, equipment/ software access, alternative exam arrangements and parking permits.
Disability includes medical and/or mental health conditions, learning difficulties or any disability that impacts on study.
Speak to an advisor for information and support regarding bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or victimisation.
Open 24/7, Flinders University Sport and Fitness offers a fully equipped weights and cardio room, group classes and a separate ladies only gym. Located on campus at Bedford Park.
Flinders Legal Centre (FLC) offers free, independent, and confidential legal advice and information. Services are available to anyone in the community, not only Flinders University students, and is accessible online, or in-person by arrangement.
Student Success and Wellbeing Advisors
Our team of advisors are here to help you succeed, both academically and personally. We want to help you find your own path to success, and we'll work with you to overcome any challenges you're facing.
Chill and connect with chaplains
Explore spirituality, meaning, and life's big questions with our friendly chaplains at Oasis. Reach out at the Oasis Centre or via email for guidance and support on various matters.
Visit the Flinders community market for free and low-cost food (including fresh fruit and vegetables) and to participate in cooking demonstrations and range of other activities.
An initiative designed to enhance university culture by creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for members of the Flinders community who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ).
Oasis Community and Wellbeing Centre
Located on campus at Bedford Park, the Oasis Community and Wellbeing Centre supports your physical, emotional and spiritual needs through a range of well-being focused programs and activities.
Find one of the male or female prayer rooms, for all faiths, that are equipped with washing facilities and prayer spaces.
Student Health and Wellbeing blog
News, articles and resources from Health, Counselling and Disability Services covering wellbeing, mental health, self-care and productivity tips.
Access our collection of written resources to help build productivity and wellbeing.
The Good Vibes Experiment is a student-led mental health campaign encouraging experimentation with adding positive mood-inducing activities to our everyday lives.
This program provides you with the psychological tools necessary to tackle procrastination and study avoidance.
Join yoga and meditation classes at the Oasis student community and wellbeing centre at Bedford Park campus.
Relaxed, informal opportunities to meet and chat with other students. Led by Oasis Chaplains, but not specifically religious or spiritual.
Volunteer your time, knowledge and experience to help create and deliver wellbeing-related programs and activities for your peers.
This evidence-based program from Be Well Co teaches you how to develop your own mental health and resilience plan.
Mindfulness for Academic Success
This is a five-week evidence-based wellbeing program where students learn to use mindfulness skills to reduce stress and anxiety whilst improving focus, stop procrastinating and study more efficiently and with more enjoyment!
Based on principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Life Hacks Drop-In Sessions will provide you with practical tools, techniques and strategies in a fun and light way to improve both your wellbeing and academic performance.
Join us for a transformative 10-week journey designed for students with ADHD. Discover your unique strengths, conquer study challenges, and foster a supportive community. From organisation to emotional regulation, we’ll equip you with strategies for success.
A half-day workshop that prepares anyone, regardless of experience to become a suicide-alert helper.
Having the right tools to navigate through University life and study efficiently is the key to your success as a student.
Get help with academic writing, numeracy, referencing, and general study skills.
Get help with re-marks & re-submissions, grade appeals, academic integrity issues, issues with University staff and remission of student fees.
Get online study help 24/7 including draft assignment feedback and live chat with subject specialists, even during semester breaks.
Get help with finding the resources you need for assignments. Visit branches across campuses for study spaces, bookable rooms, and facilities including computers and printing. Explore an extensive collection of books, articles, videos, and more.
Library workshops and drop-ins
Receive customised support in-person or online from a librarian in undertaking study and research. Get assistance with search skills, ranging from assignment searching to advanced literature searching.
If you are a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student you can get library support for advanced search methods, researcher identifiers, publishing, and research data management.
Access 24/7 support via phone, chat and email.
At the Learning Lounge, you can get in-person study help from academic advisors, including assistance with writing, grammar, referencing, numeracy, and general study skills.
Access online study guide resources to help with writing, exams, referencing, mathematics, English language and general study skills.
College student representatives help shape your learning experience. Meet your rep, or become a rep.
Learn about the range of University and government financial assistance services you may be eligible for.
A wide range of scholarships are available to provide financial support to students who need it.
Get financial information and assistance regarding debt negotiation, hardship loan variations, personal finances, budgeting and more.
Get help preparing your annual tax return.
Interest free loans of up to $500 are available to eligible students.
Emergency financial assistance
Students experiencing financial difficulty can apply for assistance in the form of supermarket vouchers, food parcels, and metro cards.
Apply for financial support to participate in an activity that focuses on professional development, student representation and leadership.
Flinders is here to support you every step of the way with your enrolment. We are also available to talk through options if you are considering changing your course.
General student administration enquiries
Flinders Connect is your first point of call for queries relating to your student administration. This includes your enrolment, credit transfers, finances, examinations, and graduation.
During peak enrolment periods Flinders Connect runs a dedicated support service to assist you to enrol and register in class activities.
Speak to someone about deferring my degree or apply for a leave of absence.
Considering changing your course?
If you’re interested in changing your course or have questions about the options available, you can speak with a Student Advisor by calling 1300 354 633 (select option 1) or book a time for a Student Advisor to call you.
Flinders Connect can assist you with a range of student admin enquiries and the Information and Digital Services team provides support for all your technical and software needs.
Flinders provides computers and printers on campus for you to use.
Services available at Bedford Park and Sturt campuses for document certification, or to verify your identity.
Flinders University provides high speed Wi-Fi (eduroam) on campus as well as at other participating education institutions and medical facilities.
Software and home use licences
Find information on the software available for you to use, how to get access and training materials.
You can purchase and collect official academic documents (i.e. transcripts) online or from Flinders Connect. Testamur collection is also available from Flinders Connect.
Flinders Connect can verify your records for employers, certain accreditation bodies, and government organisations.
You can order your student ID card online or at Flinders Connect. ID cards can also be updated annually at Flinders Connect with an express service available during peak enrolment periods.
Flinders Connect can help you update your personal details in the student system.
Register your device for Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for added account security or get help with using MFA.
Staff are available at Flinders Connect (Bedford Park) to help with Information Technology (IT) issues, including Okta, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), computers and printing on campus, Office 365 home use licenses, Wi-Fi (Eduroam) configuration, Virtual Apps, EndNote, SPSS and email. If you're not on campus, you can contact the IDS Service Desk on (08) 8201 2345 between 8am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Alternatively, you can log an IT Help and Support request online via Service One.
Teaching and learning software
A list of software that is available in teaching and learning spaces.
Flinders is dedicated to supporting you to prepare for and step into your career.
Explore a range of free services and programs to launch your career. Explore your career options. Apply and search for jobs. Connect with industry and build your professional skills and networks.
Join over 4,000 students in this free, opt-in program to develop your professional skills, gain new experiences and increase your employability. Participate and get recognised for extra-curricular activities that sit outside of your study through this leading, industry-aligned award program.
Get career ready and build your employability with CareerHub. Find information to help you work while you study, gain graduate employment or start your own business. CareerHub is your link to job listings, job application and interview resources, employer events, career planning and the Flinders professional skills program. Log in to CareerHub via your Okta dashboard.
University Specialist Employment Partnership (USEP)
If you need a little extra support our expert University Specialist Employment Partnership (USEP) Team are here to help!
Flinders has partnered with Community Bridging Services Inc (CBS Inc) to offer specialist on-campus employment advice to empower and support students identifying with disabilities, chronic illness, injuries, mental health conditions or who are neurodiverse. Our expert team can assist students to link to supports, advise on how to prepare for entering the workforce, how to engage with employers + much more!
Appointments can be booked via Career Hub or by contacting
Campus Security is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assist with an emergency or safety threat. In an emergency, please call triple zero (000), then Security on 8201 2880. Our security officers are trained in first response and first aid and all security vehicles are equipped with automatic defibrillators.
Trained security officers are available to escort you to locations on or near the Bedford Park campus. This free service is available to all students from anywhere on campus.
Contact Security (next to Flinders Connect on the Plaza at Bedford Park) to check if your property has been handed in or call 8201 5151.
Hotline phones are located around the Bedford Park campus and provide a direct contact point with University Security.
If you need to access University buildings after hours, visit the Security Office next to Flinders Connect on the Plaza at Bedford Park for assistance. You can also request access by logging a Service One request.
Sexual assault / Sexual harassment support
Support services are available to those who have experienced sexual assault and/or sexual harassment or those that have concerns about an incident or behavior of others.
Flinders University is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all staff and students. Information is available if you need emergency support or wish to report an incident.
Flinders International is the first point of contact for all onshore international students and offers a range of programs supporting your enrolment, study and social life.
International Student Services
ISS supports all international students studying at Flinders University campuses in Australia. We support students who are experiencing challenges in adjusting to the Australian academic and living environment, including one-to-one confidential appointments with an international student advisor.
Flinders International provides a face to face service to answer your enquiries from course admission, course transfers, general international student enquiries and one-to-one confidential appointments with a compliance officer or an international student advisor.
To make your start in Adelaide as easy as possible, International Student Services offers a free meet and greet service for new international students.
International Student Services (ISS) can provide letters required by sponsors, banks, the Department of Home Affairs and other government departments in Australia and abroad.
The ISS organises a general orientation program for new international students, day and weekend tours throughout the semester, social activities and information sessions.
Support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are offered by Yungkurrinthi Student Engagement.
The student lounge offers study spaces, computer suite, kitchen with food pantry and relaxation area close to support staff.
The Indigenous student support officers are available to work directly with you to provide individual support throughout your degree.
Study skills advisors are available to help with improving general academic study skills.
Yungkurrinthi Tutorial Program
Provides free additional one to one or group tutoring for all enrolled Indigenous students.
Speak with us about scholarships, cadetships, internships, emergency funding and more.
The Office of Graduate Research is the first point of contact for all higher degree by research students and offers a range of programs supporting your enrolment and study. In addition to all the services on this page, HDR students have some added services available to them listed below. More information for services available to HDR students can also be found in the HDR student area.
The University employs a full-time statistical consultant to help staff and postgraduate students by:
HDR students at Flinders have their own, dedicated, swipe-card accessible study area called HDR Central where you will find:
Research & Employability Skills Training (REST) Program
REST is a compulsory, structured training program for all HDR students, based on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF). It consolidates all training activities and online content into one skills training program that is built around the students' individual research needs and career aspirations.
Researcher Development and Support (RDS)
Research Development and Support provides a range of programs and services to support researchers, including:
The New Venture Institute is the centre of innovation and entrepreneurship at Flinders University. Through their programs and activities they inspire, connect and educate future generations of entrepreneurs and innovators. As HDR students and early career researchers, you are encouraged to get in contact with NVI and see how they can assist you to make industry connections and stand out from the crowd.
Flinders University provides travel insurance cover for HDR students who have been approved to travel within Australia or overseas for their research.
Cotutelle doctoral degrees are a great opportunity to access additional expertise, enhance collaborative partnerships and bring an international perspective to your research. Cotutelle Doctoral Degrees refer to a doctoral degree program that is undertaken jointly at Flinders University and an international higher education institution, resulting in the award of two parchments, one from each institution.
Digital recording equipment loans
FUSA have generously donated a Q8 Zoom handheld video camera and a Zoom 6 track audio recorder which are available for HDR students to borrow from the Office of Graduate Research. If you would like to book the equipment, fill out the application form.
Inspire candidature management system
Inspire is the candidature management system used throughout your candidature. You will get access to Inspire once you begin your studies (after your official starting date). You will use Inspire throughout your candidature to plan and manage your skills development, book into course, manage your milestones, submit any forms and manage your thesis examination.
Library services & researcher induction
The library provides a number of services to assist HDR students throughout their candidature. Dedicated college and Research Librarians are available to provide support with high level searching. You can book an appointment with a Research Librarian or enrol in online workshops.
The University offers various scholarships to postgraduate students. Most HDR scholarships are offered through the Research Training Program (RTP). Research funding from colleges is also available. Refer to the Contacts & resources page for more information.
There are a number of prestigious scholarships available to HDR students that will provide financial support for you to study overseas.
Contact Flinders Connect with all your enquiries. We are located on Level 0, Central Library, Bedford Park campus.
*Studying outside Australia? See information about calling from overseas
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
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