As a Master of Audiology student you are required to participate in professional placements as part of your degree. The structure of the clinical experience in the Master of Audiology differs substantially from first year to second year.
Please note that part time students will need to develop their course structure under the Course Coordinator's, Dr Karen Sparrow's, guidance. Please contact her at:
Placements in the first year topics are organised around the principle of exposing students to an array of clinics to introduce them to a diversity of clinical activities and organisational/professional environments.
Two days per week are set aside for clinic and typically students will attend clinic placements of half day to full day duration for one to two days per week. These clinics may be in house clinics, external/community clinics and PC based simulation clinics.
Clinical placements begin in semester 1. Initially the experience will largely consist of observation. However, basic audiological techniques are covered in the first weeks of the semester, enabling students to begin gaining supervised hands-on experience from the early stages of their degree.
In the second year you will participate in two five week (4 day per week) block placements. One of these placements takes place in January/February OR April/May and the second in September/October. In the second year all students will be given at least one placement focusing on hearing aid provision. Placements may be in Adelaide, interstate, rural and remote locations.
Standard university breaks may not apply. It is recommended that you do not book holidays or make travel or other arrangements until your block placement has been confirmed by the audiology placement education coordinator.
Activity | What you need to do |
Form / more information | Submit to |
Fitness for placement declaration | Declare your fitness for placement by reading and acknowledging the Fitness for Placement statement on InPlace. Let the University know if you have an access plan. |
N/A | InPlace |
Student consent for placement | Read and acknowledge the relevant essential conditions around student consent for placement using the applicable form. (Please note: if you are required to undertake multiple placements during your degree, you may be required to read both student consent documents, check with your WIL Support Team if you are unsure.) | Placements undertaken outside Flinders University - Student Consent for Placement Statement (PDF) OR Placements undertaken within Flinders University ONLY - Student Consent for Internal WIL Placement with Flinders University Statement (PDF) |
InPlace |
Intellectual property for placement |
Watch the student IP declaration, then acknowledge your understanding in InPlace. |
Student Intellectual Property Statement (PDF) | InPlace |
Emergency Contact |
Confirm your emergency contact details are up to date in the Student Information System. | Student System |
Police Check | You will need to provide a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC). | Police Check detailed information | InPlace |
Activity | What you need to do |
Form / more information | Submit to |
DHS Aged Care Sector Related Screening | Obtain a clearance from DHS | DHS compliance information |
InPlace |
DHS Working with Children Check |
Obtain a clearance from DHS |
DHS compliance information | InPlace |
NDIS Worker Check | Obtain a clearance from DHS |
DHS compliance information | InPlace |
International Police Check | Check if you qualify to obtain an IPC | International Police Check (IPC) detailed information | InPlace |
Police Check | You will need to provide a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC). |
Police Check detailed information |
InPlace |
SA Tuberculosis Services screening | Complete the online questionnaire and follow any instructions you receive by email from SA TB services. Upload your questionnaire results to InPlace. IMPORTANT: Some vaccinations can interfere with the blood test that is used to screen for Tuberculosis. For this reason, you should delay any vaccinations until AFTER you have been cleared by SA TB Services, or until you have received your IGRA test results. |
InPlace | |
Immunisation Compliance Certificate | See a GP to complete and document the necessary immunisation requirements on the Immunisation Compliance Certificate. | Immunisation compliance detailed information |
InPlace |
Annual influenza vaccination | Book an annual influenza vaccination from an immunisation provider. |
Influenza vaccination certificate (PDF) | InPlace |
COVID-19 Vaccination | Ensure you have received a course of COVID-19 vaccinations and maintain your immunity as per SA/Federal Health Government Department directions. Book an appointment | Not applicable | InPlace |
SA Health Better Placed Deed Poll |
Read, understand and sign the SA Health Better Placed Deed Poll |
Better Placed Deed Poll information and form | InPlace |
Hand hygiene | Undertake the online National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) module:
Upload the certificate.
NHHI - Complete learning module | InPlace |
Infection control | Undertake the online National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) module:
Upload the certificate. |
NHHI - Complete learning module | InPlace |
Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect — Education and Care (RAN-EC) training |
Suitable for anyone who has a current RAN-EC (Response to Abuse and Neglect) certificate that expires on 31 Dec 2021 First step for anyone who has never done the training or who has a lapsed certificate If you have a current Child Safe Environments Through Their Eyes/Safe Environments full-day certificate, you can do the 2-hour fundamentals online component through Plink to meet the requirements of both CSE and RRHAN-EC which is suitable for placement as well as professional work. |
RRHAN FAQ with link to Plink | InPlace |
These clearances are valid for five years from date of issue (unless revoked prior), except Aged Care Sector Clearance, which has an expiry of three years.
There are three main types of screening offered by the DHS the University requires; Aged-Care Sector, Working With Children Check (WWCC), and NDIS Worker Check. Refer to the pre-placement compliance checklist to determine which screenings you require.
Formerly known as Department of Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) clearances, DHS clearances are state-based clearances used to determine suitability for employment within specific care sectors in South Australia.
Note: Working With Children Checks issued prior to 1 July 2019 are known as Child-Related Employment Screenings.
The College of Nursing and Health Sciences require students to obtain DHS Clearances through self-initiation via the DHS website.
Please follow this guide for step-by-step directions of how to start your application.
Existing clearances can be renewed up to 6 months prior to expiry. It is recommended that clearances are renewed early to ensure there is no lapse in compliance.
View more information on the DHS website.
The Police Check is a printout of all disclosable criminal convictions as recorded by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC). DHS clearances involve additional probity checks and continuous monitoring. Both are required.
An International Police Check (IPC) is required by students if in the last 10 years they have lived in a country other than Australia, for more than 1 year since turning 18 years of age.
Fit2Work is an accepted provider of an IPC or you may already have an IPC and can upload this as evidence on InPlace.
Valid for three years from date of issue
Commonly referred to as a Police Check, a National Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) is a document that lists all criminal convictions recorded against a person in the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) database. For more information visit the ACIC website.
Police Checks (NCCHCs) can be issued by:
An acceptable Police Check (NCCHC) must meet the following requirements:
Please note – if you are completing a Police Check for a Northern Territory placement, please follow the instruction provided by Flinders NT or your discipline specific checklist. In the absence of this advice, follow the above instructions to complete the application form.
Students are responsible for the cost of obtaining their Police Check (NCCHC).
Students completing placements in South Australia may choose to apply for a Police Check (NCCHC) directly through their local police, or through a commercial broker. If a Police Check (NCCHC) is required urgently (e.g. sooner than 4 – 5 weeks) then it is advisable to apply online through an accredited broker that offers fast turnaround.
Police Check (NCCHC) providers:
Please note that Flinders University does not endorse these providers and cannot guarantee their turnaround times.
Students with criminal convictions should to refer to the SA Health Criminal and Relevant History Screening Policy Directive. Students with serious criminal convictions may be precluded from placement. Students with criminal convictions are advised to meet with their course coordinator to discuss their ability to satisfy the requirements of their placement topic.
No. The Teachers Registration Board (TRB) undertakes a Police Check (Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check) as part of the registration process, however, no outcomes are listed on the registration certificate. You are required to obtain a separate Police Check (NCCHC).
Replacement Police Checks (NCCHCs) can sometimes be obtained by contacting the organisation that issued the original certificate. In many cases, students who have lost their Police Check (NCCHC) will need to apply for a new one.
Valid indefinitely.
The Immunisation Compliance Certificate sets out the immunisation requirements for students and identifies acceptable evidence of immunity for each disease. The Immunisation Compliance Certificate must be completed by an immunisation provider, this can include General Practitioners (GPs) or Registered Nurses (RNs).
Students are responsible for:
Completing the Immunisation Compliance Certificate may require several appointments with an immunisation provider. The schedule of appointments will vary depending upon previous vaccination history and the availability of medical records. A typical appointment schedule may include:
The Immunisation Compliance Certificate must be completed by an immunisation provider in Australia. This can include General Practitioners (GPs) and Registered Nurses (RNs). Students are encouraged to utilise the Flinders University Health, Counselling and Disability service.
No. Immunity to Hepatitis B must be confirmed by blood test. For students undergoing a course of vaccinations, the blood test is to be completed 4-6 weeks after the final (3rd) dose of the vaccine.
If a student is confident of their previous vaccination against Poliomyelitis, the Poliomyelitis Statutory Declaration (PDF) can be completed and will be accepted as evidence of immunity. Students that are unsure of their vaccination history should complete a course of vaccinations.
There are several reasons why a student may not be able to fulfil the immunisation requirements:
Students who cannot be fully vaccinated/immunised for the above reasons will be required to advise the WIL Support Team as soon as possible to discuss strategies for ensuring the safety of themselves and others while on placement.
Students who refuse to be screened or vaccinated, or who refuse to provide this information to the University, are not considered as having met the immunisation requirements and will be refused a placement on this basis. Vaccination refusal will impact a student’s ability to complete their course; students that refuse vaccination are advised to meet with their course coordinator. Not applicable to Social Work students unless they are going to SA Health Placements.
Students are required to obtain an annual flu vaccination, and evidence of this may be required by your placement venue. Due to the seasonal availability of the flu vaccine, students are required to be vaccinated with the current calendar year vaccine, when it is available, usually March/April. Upload evidence on InPlace. Evidence of receiving the influenza vaccination can be recorded on the ‘influenza vaccination certificate’ link here or similar certificate utilised by the immunisation provider.
There is no uniform for audiology placements. Audiology students are expected to dress in smart professional attire.
This means NO jeans, sneakers, sweatpants or revealing items. Placement providers may have specific dress requirements that will be outlined in the placement schedule.
Further guidance will be provided to students before commencing placements. If you are unsure of the dress code requirements, please contact the relevant topic coordinator.
Wearing a student name badge whilst on placement is part of accountability and professional practice.
Clinical badges can only be obtained once you have a student ID card. How to obtain a student ID card.
Collecting in person from Central Library
Mailed out
You are required to read and understand the SA Health Clinical Placement Requirements for Healthcare Students (PDF)
Students will be provided with a placement schedule / timetable at the start of each term. You are required to confirm your placements the week prior to your scheduled placement. This involves contacting the clinic you have been scheduled to attend by phone or email to confirm start times and clinic location details.
If a student needs to cancel a placement at short notice, you must notify the clinic by phone immediately as well as email the relevant topic coordinator and work integrated learning support officer at
Attendance at all placements is compulsory. It is the student's responsibility to contact the clinician conducting the placement PRIOR to the session if any unforeseen circumstances prevent attendance.
A medical certificate or other appropriate documentation is a mandatory requirement for any absence from an allocated clinical placement.
Any student missing a clinical placement MUST attend a replacement clinic organised by the work integrated learning support officer (given clinic availability constraints). Consistent failure to meet these requirements may result in a student failing the relevant topic.
This section provides guidance for finding solutions for issues that may arise during a placement, and suggestions about appropriate people to contact.
Issues sometimes arise on placement that you may not be able to resolve by yourself. Who to contact and potential solutions are covered below. Keep in mind that you are required to maintain professional behaviour and communication at all times, especially with those at the placement venue.
If you encounter problems while on placement or if you have any concerns about your progress or the fairness with which you are being treated they should contact the audiology placement education coordinator and/or clinical topic coordinator. Initial contacts will be treated confidentially and students will be advised of their options for dealing with the situation either themselves or with the involvement of the placement education coordinator and/or course coordinator.
If you have done this and the problem is still not fixed - what to do next:
Where appropriate and as far as is possible, your anonymity will be preserved.
Remember that you have free access to the University Health, Counselling and Disability Services.
Flinders University is committed to ensuring that students can participate in workplaces that are free from bullying, harassment and discrimination, and where people are respected and diversity is embraced.
The College complies with the Flinders University principles outlined in No bullying at Flinders.
If you feel that you are being, or have been, bullied or harassed at a placement venue, report this immediately to your placement educator/facilitator and/or your topic coordinator.
Also, seek support and assistance as soon as possible from the University Student Equal Opportunity Adviser, who provides assistance to resolve complaints that arise from harassment or bullying, under the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy (PDF).
Students need to complete the clinical hours record form at each clinical session and have their supervisor sign it. Students are also required to keep a record of their clinical hours in an excel spreadsheet which will be provided to students.
Further information on how to record clinical hours and the relevant documents are available on FLO. Any questions regarding the recording of clinical hours should be directed to the relevant topic coordinator.
Students in all years are expected to be mindful of ethical behaviour, in accordance with Audiology Australia (AudA) Code of Conduct and are expected to demonstrate professional responsibility.
View the Audiology Australia Code of Conduct.
A breach of conduct is when situations arise where there are serious deficits in the way a student conducts themselves or behaves while on placement, for example when a student:
When a breach of conduct occurs, the student will be referred to the clinical topic coordinator or placement education coordinator who will review whether the student can continue activity within the topic, depending on the severity of the breach.
Patients and the public expect to be in a safe environment within a placement venue. If at any time a student demonstrates unsafe practice during a placement, they will be immediately withdrawn from the placement venue. The placement educator (facilitator) will then notify the topic coordinator and course coordinator, in writing, of the event or activity that required the removal of a student from the venue.
Unsafe professional practice includes:
If the issue/s that caused the removal of a student from placement can be resolved, and the venue agrees, a student may continue their placement. The topic coordinator, in consultation with the audiology placement education coordinator and clinical educator/s and will determine whether a student may be reinstated.
It is important to respect the confidentiality of client care and information in client files. It is inappropriate to discuss clients or clinicians where the conversation can be overheard by clients, family members or others.
Each client brings a set of emotional and physical circumstances, which must be considered at every clinic session. Students should be sensitive to these factors and give them due consideration. Client welfare is the first priority. The clinical educator has final responsibility for client welfare. Students should also be aware that the clinical educator’s consent must be sought before a student gives information to a client or family and before making contact with other professionals involved in the case.
Rural, remote or interstate placements will provide unique opportunities and challenges that aid in developing your personal independence and professional skills
A limited number of block placements are available in the Adelaide metropolitan area and consequently the majority of students are expected to complete at least one block placement at a rural, interstate or remote location. Placements occur in a variety of locations across Australia including metropolitan, interstate rural and remote locations.
The College of Nursing and Health Sciences understands that students can struggle financially with the costs of living away from home while undertaking placement. There are resources available to help:
Additional funding for rural and remote placements may be available through external audiology organisations. You will be advised of these when information and application details become available.
Flinders University Rural & Remote Health SA (FURRHSA) facilitates high quality multidisciplinary health education and research in our State's regional areas.
We have a strong national and international reputation for providing community-engaged inter-professional training for medical, nursing and allied health students. This includes the MD Rural Stream (MDRS) program and multidisciplinary rural clinical placements.
Through this practice, we bring new and exciting opportunities to actively engage and work with rural communities.
The Northern Territory offers unique placement experiences that pose both challenges and rewards for healthcare students. Placement sites vary from remote clinics and practices to large tertiary hospitals, and from isolated desert communities to the multi-cultural centres of Darwin and Alice Springs.
We encourage and support students to embrace the learning opportunities, become involved in the local communities and make a positive difference to the health of our population.
Student Reimbursement Policy for SA rural, remote and interstate placements (1 February 2025)
This policy is for College of Nursing and Health Sciences students undertaking a rural or remote South Australian or any interstate placement.
Students will be eligible for reimbursement following each completed placement in line with this policy.
Reimbursement claims are processed at the completion of placement. Reimbursement claims must be submitted by the 15 January the following year for reimbursement of placement expenses the previous calendar year.
Students living in a rural or interstate location while completing their course qualify for reimbursement when they undertake placement in a metropolitan location.
Accommodation expenses will be reimbursed to a maximum of $150 per week for the duration of the placement period.
Students must provide evidence for payment of accommodation, a receipt is preferred where possible, bank statement or signed letter from landlord can also be provided as evidence. Bonds and security deposits for accommodation, paid by students, are not covered by this policy and will not be reimbursed.
It is expected students stay in their allocated rural placement location area when undertaking a rural placement experience. Usual living expenses, including rent at a semester address, will not be covered under this policy.
Travel will be reimbursed to a maximum of $500 for travel expenses to and from the placement venue, at the commencement and completion of the placement based on the receipts provided (such as flights, bus, taxi fare). Students will not be reimbursed for travel while on placement returning to their residential address (e.g. at the end of a shift or on weekends during placement).
Students travelling within SA to rural and remote locations by a private vehicle will receive a predetermined amount to cover fuel expenses. Students will not be required to submit receipts. The total amount students will receive is provided on the Personal Travel Reimbursement - SA Rural Locations (PDF).
All accommodation and travel reimbursements will be subjected to the following criteria;
Accommodation [$1,500] + Travel [$600] – Scholarship [$500] = $1,600 (Reimbursement)
Reimbursement process
Students are to submit reimbursement claims as per the following process:
You must ensure you keep your accommodation and travel expense receipts/invoices.
For more information please contact
During placement, you are required to cover the costs of your travel, accommodation and meals. You are eligible for financial assistance and reimbursement as detailed above.
Accommodation may be offered at a subsidised rate. When you are allocated to a rural or interstate placement the placement education coordinator will advise and assist you to find suitable student accommodation options.
If your placement is in rural South Australia your details are forwarded to the Flinders Rural Health South Australia team who will contact you regarding the available accommodation options.
Students are asked to complete a block placement preference survey in semester 2 of first year. The information collected from this survey is used to assist with the planning and allocation of the block placements in the following year.
Students will always be consulted prior to the final allocation and confirmation of an interstate or rural placement.
Students are asked not to negotiate their own placement/s without consulting the placement education coordinator.
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: BGL Work Integrated Learning
Location: Education Building Front Office (Level 4, Room 4.69)
Phone: 8201 5410
FLO page: EPSW Work Integrated Learning
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: HASS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Flinders Medical Centre, Level 5 Room 5E213
Phone: 7221 8390
FLO page: MPH Work integrated Learning
Location: Level 1, North Wing, Sturt campus
Phone: 8201 7500
FLO page: NHS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Tonsley and Bedford Park
Phone: 8201 5133
FLO page: CSE Work Integrated Learning
Location: Room 003 Registry, Bedford Park
Phone: 08 8201 5893
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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