Program Location: Pt Villa, Vanuatu
Program Overview:
Students spend three or four weeks hosted by the Vanuatu Hockey Association who manage the local community centre used by various sport clubs and community groups. Sports, Health and Physical Activity students (BSHPA) have worked in Vanuatu sharing game skills and engaging with physical activity through Australian Football. nutrition and dietetic students work with Oceania Hockey Federation, Wan Smol Bag (WSB), the local community and local schools to promote healthy nutrition. Malnutrition including obesity is a significant public health issue rarely seen in Australia, due to long-term inadequate nutrition and an absence of nutrition services. Students will be primarily based at WSB, an Oxfam-funded theatre group promoting health that includes a nutrition centre. Working with youth, communities, government departments and schools, WSB also provides subsidised healthy lunchtime meals. Students would co-produce several projects with WSB and assist the Oceania Hockey Federation with educating amateur athletes about healthy eating. There is also an opportunity for dietetic students to support elite athletes with pre-training diets.
Program Dates: February 1 to February 22 2020 (3 to 4 weeks in-country, may extend to February 28)
Places Available: 3 x funded places available with the New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant
Open To:
Application Deadline: Monday, December 9th. See How to Apply.
Credit: Students receive 4.5 units credit for the Independent Studies in Nutrition topic.
Students are responsible for additional expenses such as an application for a passport, vaccinations, meals ($3 will provide a substantial meal), extra activities and personal expenses.
Students may also be eligible to apply for an OS Help Loan. Students should register their travel with Flinders travel insurance provided free of charge.
How to Apply:
Students should submit an online enquiry via Ask Flinders (click “Request Support”) and have their study plan checked by the College for program eligibility before applying.
Please ask the following question in your enquiry:
Once you have confirmed that you can enrol in NUTD3110 or NUTD 4106, submit an Expression of Interest to by the application deadline.
Your expression of interest should include the following:
1. Why do you want to be involved in this overseas project?
2. What are some of the learning outcomes you expect from this experience?
3. What might be some of the likely challenges for you in undertaking the overseas placement?
4. How will the experience develop your knowledge and skills as a health professional?
Further Information:
Read more on the ‘Nutrition and Dietetics general Information’ page on FLO. Scroll down to find information, videos by previous students and more.
Read about this innovative reality TV show. The Pacific Island Food Revolution aims to return pride to the healthy food that makes up the traditional diet of the South Pacific. PIFR takes the format of a reality television cooking competition, and uses it to reclaim the Pacific's original cuisine.
Read more about the students who completed the exchange in 2017 on the news blog.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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