Dear Student, Ping! is your news from Flinders University in the one email, every week of semester. In this edition:
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Advance your career: 20 free HerTechPath memberships to giveaway HerTechPath is a grass-roots community of women working in the technology sector who want to celebrate and inspire women and girls to consider rewarding and diverse careers in the sector. Flinders is sponsoring 20 HerTechPath student memberships (valued at $25 each) to students who would like to be part of this community. Membership will help you build a professional network with likeminded women. You'll be invited to attend regular informal networking events hosted by HerTechPaths partners. You'll also get volunteering opportunities to visit schools and present a HerTechPath briefing to students either as briefing MC or a member of the panel. To go in the draw to win a free membership, just tell us in 50 words or fewer, why you're interested in becoming a HerTechPath member. |
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Considering changing your course? Studying the degree that's right for you is important. You may be settled into your degree and university is going as planned however, some students might like to explore all the options available. If youre interested in changing your course, or have questions about the options available, you can speak with a Student Advisor at Flinders Connect (map ref J9) weekdays between 10am and 4pm. Drop in and take a ticket for applying for a course-domestic student. Cant make it to campus? Call 1300 354 633 (option 2, then option 5) or submit an enquiry online. International students considering changing course need to email the International Centre. Internal transfer for changing course in Semester 2 2019 are now open. Instructions about how to apply for internal transfer via the Student System can be found here. |
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Reminder topic results release date Semester 1 topic results will be released by 5pm on Friday 19 July. You can view your results in the Student System (access through Okta). Note: if you sit a deferred or supplementary examination (in the 22 July to 26 July deferred and supplementary exam period) you will get the results for that topic by 5pm Friday 2 August. |
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Deferred and supplementary examinations Semester 1 deferred and supplementary exams will be held from Monday 22 July to Friday 26 July. The timetable will be released on Saturday 20 July. If you have been offered a deferred assessment, you will see a deferred assessment indicator on your results. E.g. I/M (*/M indicates a deferred assessment has been awarded on medical or compassionate grounds). If you fail a topic and receive a mark between 45% to 49% you will automatically be awarded a supplementary assessment. This will be indicated on your results. E.g. F/A (*/A indicates a supplementary assessment has been awarded on academic grounds). Some deferred and supplementary exams may be held by the Topic Coordinator or College and could be scheduled outside of the dates stated above. You will be notified if this is the case. |
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The process for topic grading Final topic grades are available after they have been certified by the College Examinations Board. The result shown in the Student System is the overall grade you have been awarded. It wont show you the results of each assessment piece or exam. If you require these details, please contact your Topic Coordinator. Grades are usually awarded according to the following: Pass Level (P) 50 64 | Credit (CR) 65 74 | Distinction (DN) 75 84 | High Distinction (HD) 85 100 | Fail (F) 0 49. |
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Topic fail grade can I review?If you receive a fail grade for a topic (and are not eligible for a supplementary assessment) you can appeal this grade if; the assessment process was not followed, or if you believe the final grade to be wrong or unfair. You need to demonstrate why you believe this is the case. To initiate the review, you must contact the Topic Coordinator as soon as you receive your grade. For more information see the Assessment Policy and Procedures .If youre not satisfied with the outcome of this initial review, you may request a formal review in accordance with the Student Review and Appeal Policy. The FUSA Advocacy Officer can help . *If you have failed a prerequisite topic, you might need to amend your enrolment. Check course advice details and contact your course coordinator or Flinders Connect for advice. |
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Important info for students graduating in September this yearIf you will complete your course this Semester, you may be eligible to graduate in September 2019. You need to apply to graduate in order to get your official Testamur (also called a parchment) even if you do not plan to attend a ceremony in person. If youre eligible to graduate, you will be notified by email when applications open in mid-July.Check your name is correct! The name printed on your Testamur (parchment), Transcripts and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) will be as it currently appears in the Student System. If your name is incorrectly recorded it is your responsibility to get this changed ASAP (and at least four weeks before you graduate). See the graduation webpage for more information. |
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Mid-year academic refresher sessionsIf you want to brush up on your academic skills, the following Academic Preparation Program sessions are being held in the mid-year break on 23 July at North Lecture Theatre 2, Humanities Building (map ref H9). No need to register, just turn up.Critical Thinking: 10am 10.50am | Academic Reading: 12pm 12.50pm | Maths Refresher: 1pm 1.50pm | Assignments How To: 2pm 2.50pm | Academic Writing: 3pm - 3.40pm. |
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Mentoring opportunity for final year studentsThe Advance Awards Mentor Program is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with an Advance Award winner for a 12-month global mentorship. Advance Award winners are leaders in their field and internationally based innovators. Mentors work with university students to share their own professional and personal experiences and knowledge to support students with their development. For more information and to apply see the Advance Awards website. Applications close 12 July. |
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Feeling the winter chill? Get your free beanie!The friendly staff at the Oasis will be giving away free beanies to keep you warm through the cold winter days. To get yours, visit the Flinders Community Market at Oasis (near car park 5 at Bedford Park (map ref J7) on Thursday 4 July at 12pm. Get in quick before they run out! |
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Volunteering opportunity T20 Cricket World CupAre you a cricket fan? The ICC T20 World Cup 2020 has opened applications for its volunteer program. Volunteers will be recruited for a wide range of roles including client and customer service, media and broadcast, drivers, operational support and hospitality. This would be a great addition to your CV and an opportunity to be part of a world-class event! Applications close 15 July 2019. For more information and to apply visit the ICC website. *This opportunity is presented for information only and is not organised by Flinders. Any costs incurred as a result of volunteering/application are the responsibility of the student. |
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Research participants wanted receive a $50 voucherSHAPE (Sport, Health, Activity, Performance & Exercise) researchers are interested in the health behaviours of students. If youre a currently enrolled in full-time undergraduate study and want to be part of helping gather important insight into student health and wellbeing, participate in the study! Read more .Congrats! You've found the winning article. For a chance to win a coffee voucher click here. |
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Student Council positions filledFUSAs Student Council would like to welcome Karan Godara as Mature Age Students Officer and Anu Francis as Disabilities Officer to the Student Council. To contact please email or .Student Council direct the Returning Officer to restart the Casual Vacancy Selection Process for the role of Indigenous Students Officer as the Casual Vacancy Selection Panel was unable to recommend a candidate for the role. The Casual Vacancy Selection process will re-start for the Indigenous Officer position. This process will also include the Womens Officer position as this has also become vacant. To find out more visit - keep an eye on this page for when vacancies open. |
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South Ridge power outages Saturday 6 JulyTo help complete some important electrical works, there will be rolling power outages across South Ridge this Saturday 6 July. Where possible, please avoid all South Ridge buildings on Saturday 6 July and note there will be no access to some buildings at certain times. If you do need access on this day or have any questions, please email |
Create or update your LinkedIn profile in the mid-year breakDo you have a LinkedIn profile? Why not use the downtime in the mid-year break to create one, or to update your profile if you already have one! LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, which is free to join and used worldwide. In todays workforce, networking is critical to career success and LinkedIn is a great way to stay connected with people you meet and keep those networks open. The Flinders Career Hub has some great tips for making your profile stand out. |
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Drop-in appointments with counsellors & disability advisorsWould you like to chat to a counsellor or disability advisor over a free coffee? Please feel free to drop into the reception area of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in the Humanities Building (behind security) for a 20-minute drop in appointment between 9am and 4pm on the following dates: 4 July, 18 July, 1 August, 15 August or 29 August. |
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International Student Awards open win a trip to Kangaroo Island!Study Adelaides International Student Awards are an opportunity to have your achievements recognised during your time in Adelaide. A ward categories include; Academic Excellence, Sporting Excellence, Entrepreneurship/Innovation, Community Engagement, Arts and Cultural Achievement, Student Event of the Year and International Student of the Year (Major Prize). Winners will be presented with their award by His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia at a function at Government House on 25 October. Read more .
Completing studentsFor those of you who are completing your course at the end of this semester, congratulations! Check out the International Student Services (ISS) going home webpage for information to help you prepare for your trip back home. We hope your time at Flinders and your stay in Adelaide has provided you with many good memories. Enjoy the rest of your time here and have a pleasant journey home.
*If you require a letter of completion before your degree conferral, contact ISS to make a request for a letter of completion. If you require an academic transcript before the conferral of your degree you can purchase one for $ 20 here. If you have questions please contact ISS . See the Important info for students graduating in September article for more info about graduations. |
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We want your feedback!If you have feedback about the Ping! all student newsletter, we'd love to hear it. Email your feedback through to:
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Flinders University Mid-Year O'Week! FUSA has put together a stellar line-up of events and activities for Mid-Year O'Week! From Monday 29 July through to Wednesday 31 July, celebrate the start of a new semester with both commencing and continuing students. There'll be a bunch of stalls, activities, live music and freebies to get you excited for study and uni life. Join FUSA in the Student Hub to sign up to a club, have your face painted, challenge balloon and caricature artists or grab some free lunch. Check out their events page here. Attention Sturt students - Welcome Back @ Sturt event Welcome Back @ Sturt is for both new and continuing students studying at Sturt. Join FUSA for a free lunch and snacks, live music and more to welcome you to Semester 2. The event will be held at the Flinders Pantry and Cafe ( map ref V5) from 11am to 2pm on Tuesday 30 July. Sturt students are also encouraged to head up the hill to the Bedford Park Hub to join in the activities there too! |
Do you have an article for Ping? Students are invited to submit articles for Ping! if they meet the criteria outlined in the Ping! guidelines. Visit the Ping! page on the current students website to view the Ping! guidelines, FAQs and to submit an article. |
The information contained in this newsletter is for general information purposes only. Flinders University makes every effort to ensure the information is up to date and correct, but makes no representations or provides no warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information contained in this newsletter. Flinders University does not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information provided. Unsub |
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