For most courses in the College of Science and Engineering work placement topics are electives. There are topics available in a range of areas including those listed below. Refer to your study plan and course electives to find which topics are available to you.
You need a number of compulsory clearances and to undertake compulsory training before being allocated a placement.
You will not be eligible for placement until deemed fully compliant.
Activity | What you need to do |
Form / more information | Submit to |
Fitness for placement declaration | Declare your fitness for placement by reading and acknowledging the Fitness for Placement statement on InPlace. Let the University know if you have an access plan. |
N/A | InPlace |
Student consent for placement | Read and acknowledge the relevant essential conditions around student consent for placement using the applicable form. (Please note: if you are required to undertake multiple placements during your degree, you may be required to read both student consent documents, check with your WIL Support Team if you are unsure.) | Placements undertaken outside Flinders University - Student Consent for Placement Statement (PDF) OR Placements undertaken within Flinders University ONLY - Student Consent for Internal WIL Placement with Flinders University Statement (PDF) |
InPlace |
Intellectual property for placement |
Watch the student IP declaration, then acknowledge your understanding in InPlace. |
Student Intellectual Property Statement (PDF) | InPlace |
Emergency Contact |
Confirm your emergency contact details are up to date in the Student Information System. | Student System |
Police Check | You will need to provide a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC). | Police Check detailed information | InPlace |
Some host providers also require additional compliance evidence. You will be informed if these are required for your placement.
Activity | What you need to do |
Form / more information | Submit to |
DHS Aged Care Sector Related Screening | Obtain a clearance from DHS | DHS compliance information | InPlace |
DHS Working with Children Check | Obtain a clearance from DHS | DHS compliance information | InPlace |
DHS Vulnerable Person Employment Screening | Obtain a clearance from DHS | DHS compliance information | InPlace |
DHS Disability Employment Screening | This screening is no longer provided by the department of Human Services Screening Unit. It has been replaced with the NDIS Worker Check. If you require this clearance for a placement a member of the WIL Placement team will contact you. |
Not applicable |
InPlace |
Police Check | You will need to provide a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC). | InPlace | |
Immunisation Compliance Certificate | See a GP to complete and document the necessary immunisation requirements on the Immunisation Compliance Certificate. | Immunisation compliance detailed information | InPlace |
These clearances are valid for three years from date of issue (unless revoked prior), except Working with Children Check which has an expiry of five years.
There are four types of screening offered by the DHS; Aged-Care Sector, Working With Children Check (WWCC), Vulnerable Person employment, and Disability Services employment. Refer to the pre-placement compliance checklist to determine which screenings you require.
Formerly known as Department of Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) clearances, DHS clearances are state-based clearances used that are used to determine suitability for employment within specific care sectors in South Australia.
Note: Working With Children Checks issued prior to 1 July 2019 are known as Child-Related Employment Screenings.
Obtaining DHS clearances
The College of Science and Engineering require students to obtain DHS Clearances through self-initiation via the DHS website. Link -
Existing clearances can be renewed up to 6 months prior to expiry. It is recommended that clearances are renewed early to ensure there is no lapse in compliance.
View more information on the DHS website.
What is the difference between DHS clearances and the Police Check?
The Police Check is a printout of all disclosable criminal convictions as recorded by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC). DHS clearances involve additional probity checks and continuous monitoring. Both are required
Valid for three years from date of issue
Commonly referred to as a Police Check, a National Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) is a document that lists all criminal convictions recorded against a person in the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) database. For more information visit the ACIC website.
Police Checks (NCCHCs) can be issued by:
An acceptable Police Check (NCCHC) must meet the following requirements:
Please note – if you are completing a Police Check for a Northern Territory placement, please follow the instruction provided by Flinders NT or your discipline specific checklist. In the absence of this advice, follow the above instructions to complete the application form.
Students are responsible for the cost of obtaining their Police Check (NCCHC).
Students completing placements in South Australia may choose to apply for a Police Check (NCCHC) directly through their local police, or through a commercial broker. If a Police Check (NCCHC) is required urgently (e.g. sooner than 4 – 5 weeks) then it is advisable to apply online through an accredited broker that offers fast turnaround.
Police Check (NCCHC) providers:
Please note that Flinders University does not endorse these providers and cannot guarantee their turnaround times.
Students with criminal convictions should to refer to the SA Health Criminal and Relevant History Screening Policy Directive. Students with serious criminal convictions may be precluded from placement. Students with criminal convictions are advised to meet with their course coordinator to discuss their ability to satisfy the requirements of their placement topic.
No. The Teachers Registration Board (TRB) undertakes a Police Check (Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check) as part of the registration process, however, no outcomes are listed on the registration certificate. You are required to obtain a separate Police Check (NCCHC).
Replacement Police Checks (NCCHCs) can sometimes be obtained by contacting the organisation that issued the original certificate. In many cases, students who have lost their Police Check (NCCHC) will need to apply for a new one.
In accordance with the Northern Territory government guidelines for clinical placements within NT Health, only National Police Certificates (NPCs) provided by police services in Australian states or territories will be accepted. NPCs issued by 3rd party providers are not accepted.
Valid indefinitely.
The Immunisation Compliance Certificate sets out the immunisation requirements for students and identifies acceptable evidence of immunity for each disease. The Immunisation Compliance Certificate must be completed by an immunisation provider, this can include General Practitioners (GPs) or Registered Nurses (RNs).
Students are responsible for:
Completing the Immunisation Compliance Certificate may require several appointments with an immunisation provider. The schedule of appointments will vary depending upon previous vaccination history and the availability of medical records. A typical appointment schedule may include:
The Immunisation Compliance Certificate must be completed by an immunisation provider in Australia. This can include General Practitioners (GPs) and Registered Nurses (RNs). Students are encouraged to utilise the Flinders University Health, Counselling and Disability service.
Some students may find that they are unable to complete the immunisation requirements before their first (and sometimes second) placement. In such cases, students can be deemed provisionally compliant and allowed to attend placement if they meet the following criteria:
No. Immunity to Hepatitis B must be confirmed by blood test. For students undergoing a course of vaccinations, the blood test is to be completed 4-6 weeks after the final (3rd) dose of the vaccine.
If a student is confident of their previous vaccination against Poliomyelitis, the Poliomyelitis Statutory Declaration (PDF) can be completed and will be accepted as evidence of immunity. Students that are unsure of their vaccination history should complete a course of vaccinations.
There are several reasons why a student may not be able to fulfil the immunisation requirements:
Students who cannot be fully vaccinated/immunised for the above reasons will be required to meet with their placement education coordinator to discuss strategies for ensuring the safety of themselves and others while on placement.
Students who refuse to be screened or vaccinated, or who refuse to provide this information to the University, are not considered as having met the immunisation requirements and will be refused a placement on this basis. Vaccination refusal will impact a student’s ability to complete their course; students that refuse vaccination are advised to meet with their course coordinator.
Students are required to obtain an annual flu vaccination, and evidence of this may be required by your placement venue, so please carry the influenza vaccination certificate on your person.
South Australia
As of the 7th October 2021, the Emergency Management (Healthcare Setting Workers Vaccination) (COVID-19) Direction 2021 issued under the Emergency Management Act 2004, comes into effect.
This Direction places COVID-19 vaccination requirements on all persons working in a public hospital, private hospital or ambulance service, including patient transport service in South Australia. A public hospital includes all services provided by a Local Health Network, not just those physically located in a hospital.
This Direction applies to all persons engaging in work or duties in one of the above settings, including clinicians, ambulance workers, allied health workers, cleaners, administrative and executive staff and students undertaking placement regardless of whether they work in a patient or a non-patient area.
People must be vaccinated against COVID-19 with a TGA approved vaccine, with the first dose being completed by 1 November 2021 and the second dose being completed within one month of the first dose.
You will need to upload evidence of your vaccination after each dose, to InPlace.
What happens if I cannot be vaccinated because of a medical reason? How can I get an exemption?
Northern Territory
National Cabinet have announced that all aged care workers are to have had at least their first COVID-19 vaccination by 17 September 2021.
A person who is an officer, employee or contractor of an aged care facility must not enter or remain on the premises of the aged care facility if the person has not had:
• on or before 17 September 2021- the first does of a COVID-19 vaccine; and
• on or before 31 October 2021- the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
You will need to upload evidence of your vaccination after each dose, to InPlace.
For Hepatitis C (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - it is recommended that students obtain serological evidence with regard to these two diseases as it is important to know their status especially if the student is exposed to bodily fluids. Students are not to advise their HCV or HIV status.
While students do not have an obligation to notify AHPRA about an infection, the student must comply with CDNA guidelines.
You can start preparing for your placement at any time, even if your placement topic is not until next semester, or even next year. You can take some steps to get prepared now.
Placements are your opportunity to gain experience relating to your area of study, and also a great way of exploring your interests and career aspirations. Careful consideration of where you would like to undertake your placement will enhance your learning outcomes.
Not all placement topics use the same methods for connecting students with industry hosts, however, if you do need or want to select your own placement here are some ideas on how to find one.
Industry hosts will often approach Flinders University offering to host students on placement, and these will be listed with information about how to apply under the placement opportunities tab.
Not only a great source of information about employment, application support and more, some organisations will list placement opportunities. Search for placements in the All vacancies section.
You can find your own placement by applying directly to organisations and companies that align to your area of interest. If you would like assistance in preparing to approach an organisation you can book an appointment to talk with the CSE WIL team or the CSE career consultant.
There are a range of people who can assist you to prepare for and successfully complete your placement.
If you would like to explore if you can include a placement topic in your study plan as an elective please submit an Ask Flinders request or you can attend a drop in session in the College office:
11.30am to 1pm
Physical Sciences 020, Anchor Court
If you have questions about topic requirements, or assessment please contact your topic coordinator. You can also refer to your topic FLO site for specific details and information about placements.
The Careers team will be able to assist you in creating your application documents (resume / cover letter), preparing for interview, professional skills, and much more. Information and support is available through CareerHub.
The University provides a free and confidential counselling service (up to 6 sessions per year) that is available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students who may be facing a range of academic or personal issues. Refer to their website for detail on how they can assist.
Once you have confirmed your placement and been assigned an academic supervisor, they will be able to assist you with questions relating to the work you have been assigned as part of the project and may be able to assist in preparing your report.
If you require assistance outside of the areas listed above please contact your WIL support team or book a 30-minute appointment.
Student visa holders must be aware of any work restrictions on their visa. Most students are restricted to 48 hours of work per fortnight.
Placements and work experience (either paid or unpaid) that are part of an elective or option topic are considered work for student visa holders and are included in your work restriction of 48 hours per fortnight. If you are taking an elective topic with placement requirements and you have a job, you must ensure that your total work hours (placement plus job) do not exceed 48 hours per fortnight.
Placements and work experience that are part of a core topic and are a mandatory component of your course are not included in the work restriction of 48 hours per fortnight. If your placement is core to your course, you may exceed 48 hours per fortnight for the purpose and the duration of your placement.
Note – from time to time the conditions relating to working hours for student visa holders may change. Please refer the Department of Home Affairs website for current information.
Tonsley campus
Phone: 8201 5133
Book an appointment
Bedford Park
Phone: 8201 5133
Book an appointment
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: BGL Work Integrated Learning
Location: Education Building Front Office (Level 4, Room 4.69)
Phone: 8201 5410
FLO page: EPSW Work Integrated Learning
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: HASS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Flinders Medical Centre, Level 5 Room 5E213
Phone: 7221 8390
FLO page: MPH Work integrated Learning
Location: Level 1, North Wing, Sturt campus
Phone: 8201 7500
FLO page: NHS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Tonsley and Bedford Park
Phone: 8201 5133
FLO page: CSE Work Integrated Learning
Location: Room 003 Registry, Bedford Park
Phone: 08 8201 5893
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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