If you're studying an undergraduate exercise science, or postgraduate clinical exercise physiology degree you are required to participate in professional placements as part of your degree.
Placements may occur at any time of the year and may include shifts outside normal business hours and across a seven-day week roster. It is recommended that you do not book holidays or make travel arrangements until your placement has been confirmed on InPlace. Placements occur in a range of formats attended over several weeks and in a variety of locations that may include metropolitan, rural and remote areas.
Exercise science/clinical exercise physiology students may consider a rural or remote placement during their course. A rural venue is defined by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard Remoteness Areas 2-5.
Rural placements will provide unique opportunities and challenges that aid in developing your personal independence and professional skills. Keep in mind that they will require you to be adaptable, flexible, resourceful, able to tolerate periods of solitude, and able to complete academic work independently if necessary.
When rural and remote placements become available, the placement unit will negotiate via email to nominate your preferred rural placement. Note: this is a first-come first-served system.
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
Email: cbgl.placements@flinders.edu.au
FLO page: BGL Work Integrated Learning
Location: Education Building Front Office (Level 4, Room 4.69)
Phone: 8201 5410
Email: cepsw.placements@flinders.edu.au
FLO page: EPSW Work Integrated Learning
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
Email: chass.placements@flinders.edu.au
FLO page: HASS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Flinders Medical Centre, Level 5 Room 5E213
Phone: 7221 8390
Email: cmph.placements@flinders.edu.au
FLO page: MPH Work integrated Learning
Location: Level 1, North Wing, Sturt campus
Phone: 8201 7500
Email: cnhs.placements@flinders.edu.au
FLO page: NHS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Tonsley and Bedford Park
Phone: 8201 5133
Email: cse.placements@flinders.edu.au
FLO page: CSE Work Integrated Learning
Location: Room 003 Registry, Bedford Park
Phone: 08 8201 5893
Email: hdr.engagement@flinders.edu.au
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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