These procedures are designed to ensure that there are mechanisms in place to ensure that consultation and communication occur across the University. Consultation and communication procedures apply to all Flinders University workers, health and safety representatives and others who undertake activities for the University. The procedures also outline the need to consult, co-operate and coordinate with other Persons Conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) where there is a shared duty in relation to health and safety matters. Other PCBUs may be:
Consultation is required in a number of different situations such as:
The University maintains consultation and communication opportunities through the following mechanisms:
a. Local work area meetings.
b. Circulation of information via email, newsletters, electronic noticeboards or posted on the University web site.
c. Health and safety hazard alerts.
d. Tool box talks.
e. Heath and safety representatives.
f. Health and safety committees.
Below is a summary of the health and safety representative and health and safety committee roles on consultation and communication:
The Health and Safety Representative (HSR) is a voluntary role.
The primary role of a Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) is to represent workers through the consultation process. Where a HSR has been elected they must be given the opportunity to raise and be included in consultation around work, health and safety matters that affects or is likely to affect, the members of their workgroup.
The University encourages HSRs to become members of the relevant College / Portfolio Health and Safety Committee.
For more information about the powers and functions, consultation, disqualification, term of office etc. of HSRs see the Worker Representation and Participation Guide.
The University facilitates the election of HSRs to represent staff in their workgroup on work health and safety matters. HSRs are elected through a nomination poll and election process using a University approved online election tool. During this process the workgroup staff and management are notified, nominations are called for and an election takes place if more than one candidate nominates in the workgroup. The workgroup HSR, staff and management are notified of the results. HSRs are elected for a 3-year term.
Health & Safety Representatives and Deputy Health & Safety Representatives are entitled to undertake prescribed training. This training assists in enabling HSRs with the skills and knowledge to implement their powers and functions as defined by the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) or Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 (NT).
HSRs may attend training, noting that HSR can only exercise all their powers and functions as specified under the WHS legislation if they have completed the initial prescribed training.
South Australia – initial 5 days in the first year of office. A further entitlement to 3 days in the second year and 2 days in the third year is available.
Northern Territory – initial 5 days training, with 1 day refresher training available after that.
Note: HSRs must consult with their supervisor around time to attend the training at their chosen dates.
Bookings: Please contact the WHS Unit to book the training.
The following is a list of HSRs representing each workgroup in the University.
Flinders University has a University Health and Safety Committee consisting of management and staff representatives and reporting to the Vice-Chancellor.
The University Health and Safety Committee is the principle forum for management to consult with staff on broad health and safety and policy issues across the University.
The Committee is responsible for:
Each College and the Portfolios have a Committee consisting of management and staff representatives to monitor and provide advice to the relevant College Vice-President and Executive Dean / Portfolio Senior Executives on all matters relating to work health and safety of workers and students in the College/Portfolio.
The University Health and Safety Committee meets four times per year, as do the Colleges & Portfolio Committees. Meeting dates can be obtained below. Meeting minutes can be obtained by contacting the WHS Unit or your relevant College/ Portfolio elected Health and Safety Representative (HSR).
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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