Key dates for SOAD7031
Availability details
Key dates for SOAD7031
Availability details
(1), (2) |
Each class is numbered in brackets. Classes are held weekly unless otherwise indicated. |
If you are enrolled for this topic, but all classes for one of the activities (eg tutorials) are full, Students may still enrol in topics with full classes as more places will be made available as needed. |
If this padlock appears next to an activity name (eg Lecture), then class registration is closed for this activity. Class registration normally closes at the end of week 2 of each semester. |
Classes in a stream are grouped so that the same students attend all classes in that stream. Registration in the stream will result in registration in all classes. |
Unless otherwise advised, classes are not held during semester breaks or on public holidays. |
This information is from current details held on the Student Information System. Please report any errors or omissions to the relevant College Office.