An integral component of the Bachelor of Paramedic Science degree program are clinical placements which involve on-the-job experience with the SA Ambulance Service (SAAS).
The purpose of clinical placements is to provide the essential experience of working in the pre-hospital emergency and non-emergency care environments.
Paramedic degree placements are designed to give you valuable exposure and experience in a variety of emergency and non-emergency medical settings. Students work as a 'third' with their crew.
The Graduate Diploma in Intensive Care Paramedicine combines clinical placements within an Australian ambulance service and in-hospital placements.
Before you can start placement, you must complete the pre-placement requirements, use the checklist to help track your progress. More detailed information for each requirement is outlined below.
Activity | What you need to do |
Form / more information |
Fitness for placement declaration | Declare your fitness for placement by reading and acknowledging the Fitness for Placement statement on InPlace. Let the University know if you have an access plan. |
N/A |
Student consent for placement | Read and acknowledge the relevant essential conditions around student consent for placement using the applicable form. (Please note: if you are required to undertake multiple placements during your degree, you may be required to read both student consent documents, check with your WIL Support Team if you are unsure.) | Placements undertaken outside Flinders University - Student Consent for Placement Statement (PDF) OR Placements undertaken within Flinders University ONLY - Student Consent for Internal WIL Placement with Flinders University Statement (PDF) |
Intellectual property for placement |
Watch the student IP declaration, then acknowledge your understanding in InPlace. |
Student Intellectual Property Statement (PDF) |
Emergency Contact |
Confirm your emergency contact details are up to date in the Student Information System. | |
Immunisation Compliance Certificate | See GP to complete and document the necessary immunisation requirements on the Immunisation Compliance Certificate | Immunisation Compliance detailed information |
Medical and Functional Assessment | Have your medical practitioner access your fitness for practice. | Medical and Functional Assessment |
Hand hygiene | Undertake the online National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) module:
Upload the certificate. |
NHHI - Complete learning module |
Infection control | Register online with National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHH) and complete the Basics or Principles of infection prevention and control module. A certificate is provided upon completion. | NHHI - Complete learning module |
PPE Declaration | Year 1 students will complete this in class with their tutor, year 2 and 3 signs the declaration sent to you by WIL team. | N/A |
Manual handling | Complete the online module through FLO Paramedic course general information site Second year students will be asked to completed 2 practical days, booked through FLO. Your course coordinator will contact you with more information when available. |
FLO Paramedic course |
Uniform | Order your uniform from Corporate Image , update your declaration in InPlace when received. | Preparing for placement |
Activity | What you need to do |
Form / more information |
DHS Working with Children Check | The WIL team will initiate your clearance, activate the link, pay and verify 100 points of ID. | DHS Information |
Police Check | You will need to provide a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC). This can be a state-based check or from a ACIC accredited third party provider. Reason for check – healthcare placement. | |
International Police Check | An International Police Check (IPC) is required by students if in the last 10 years they have lived in a country other than Australia, for more than 1 year since turning 18 years of age. Fit2Work is an accepted provider of an IPC or you may already have an IPC and can upload this as evidence on InPlace. |
International police check - Fit2Work |
SA Tuberculosis Services Screening | Complete the online questionnaire and follow any instructions you receive by email from SA TB services. Upload your questionnaire results to InPlace. IMPORTANT: Some vaccinations can interfere with the blood test that is used to screen to Tuberculosis. For this reason, you should delay any vaccinations until AFTER you have been cleared by SA TB Services, or until you have received you IGRA test results. |
Observer Indemnity | Acknowledge and agree to accompany a SAAS staff member as an observer. | SAAS Observer indemnity form (PDF) |
SA Health Better Placed Deed Poll | Read, understand and sign the SA Health Better Placed Deed Poll. |
Better Placed Deed Poll information and form |
Face Mask Fit Test | Before placement, you will be contacted by the Mask Fit Testing Team with booking details for you to make an appointment. *If you have previously had a mask fit test, upload evidence to InPlace, then no further action required. |
Mask Fit testing information |
Activity |
What you need to do |
Form / more information |
NT Government Deed Poll | Students will have access to a range of confidential information while attending a placement and need to be familiar with and understand the relevant requirements of maintaining confidentiality. Students must read, understand and sign the and upload to InPlace |
NT Department of Health student placement information and forms |
Tuberculosois screening | Follow information as directed on the NT Government website information on TB. | Guidelines for the control of Tuberculosis in the Northern Territory |
Ochre Card | To undertake placements in the Northern Territory you are required to have a working with children clearance in the Northern Territory, known as an Ochre Card. | Ochre Card detailed information |
Observer Indemnity | Complete a St John Ambulance NT Observer Agreement to accompany a St John Ambulance NT operational staff member as an observer. | St John NT Observer Agreement |
COVID – 19 Vaccination | NT Health vaccination policy requires placement students to have up to date COVID-19 vaccinations applicable to health care workers as recommended by Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). ATAGI recommends a primary course of vaccinations against COVID-19 followed by a booster for those eligible. Some health care environments may have additional or varying requirements and students will be notified in these circumstances. |
Valid indefinitely.
The Immunisation Compliance Certificate sets out the immunisation requirements for students and identifies acceptable evidence of immunity for each disease. The Immunisation Compliance Certificate must be completed by an immunisation provider, this can include General Practitioners (GPs) or Registered Nurses (RNs).
Students are responsible for:
Completing the Immunisation Compliance Certificate may require several appointments with an immunisation provider. The schedule of appointments will vary depending upon previous vaccination history and the availability of medical records. A typical appointment schedule may include:
The Immunisation Compliance Certificate must be completed by an immunisation provider in Australia. This can include General Practitioners (GPs) and Registered Nurses (RNs). Students are encouraged to utilise the Flinders University Health, Counselling and Disability service.
Some students may find that they are unable to complete the immunisation requirements before their first (and sometimes second) placement. In such cases, students can be deemed provisionally compliant and allowed to attend placement if they meet the following criteria:
No. Immunity to Hepatitis B must be confirmed by blood test. For students undergoing a course of vaccinations, the blood test is to be completed 4-6 weeks after the final (3rd) dose of the vaccine.
If a student is confident of their previous vaccination against Poliomyelitis, the Poliomyelitis Statutory Declaration (PDF) can be completed and will be accepted as evidence of immunity. Students that are unsure of their vaccination history should complete a course of vaccinations.
There are several reasons why a student may not be able to fulfil the immunisation requirements:
Students who cannot be fully vaccinated/immunised for the above reasons will be required to meet with their placement education coordinator to discuss strategies for ensuring the safety of themselves and others while on placement.
Students who refuse to be screened or vaccinated, or who refuse to provide this information to the University, are not considered as having met the immunisation requirements and will be refused a placement on this basis. Vaccination refusal will impact a student’s ability to complete their course; students that refuse vaccination are advised to meet with their course coordinator.
Students are required to obtain an annual flu vaccination, and evidence of this may be required by your placement venue, so please carry the influenza vaccination certificate on your person.
For Hepatitis C (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - it is recommended that students obtain serological evidence with regard to these two diseases as it is important to know their status especially if the student is exposed to bodily fluids. Students are not to advise their HCV or HIV status.
While students do not have an obligation to notify AHPRA about an infection, the student must comply with CDNA guidelines.
Year Level | Non-Semester |
Placement Topic | Placement Experience | Placement Description |
1 | 1 | PARA1000 | 2 X Patient Transfer Services (PTS) shifts | PTS vehicles are allocated for transport service work so that emergency ambulance crews can be kept free to attend to more serious cases |
2 | PARA1005 | 3 x Emergency Support Services (ESS) shifts 1 x patient Transfer Services (PTS) shift |
ESS vehicles are similar to PTS vehicles in that they are used for transport service work, however they are also used as Emergency vehicles if the need arises. | |
2 | 1 | PARA2002 | 4 x Metro Emergency shifts | Emergency vehicles respond to every day call outs, as well as large scale emergencies. |
2 | PARA2007 | 6 x Metro Emergency shifts 2 x regional Emergency shifts |
In addition to your Metro shifts, you will also experience 2 x regional emergency shifts. Further details on regional emergency shifts can be found in the placement information section. | |
3 | 1 | PARA3002 | 7 x Metro Emergency shifts 2 x Regional Emergency shifts |
In addition to your Metro shifts, you will also experience 2 x regional emergency shifts. Further details on regional emergency shifts can be found in the placement information section. |
2 | PARA3007 | 4 x Metro Emergency shifts | Emergency vehicles respond to every day call outs, as well as large scale emergencies. | |
*1 or 2 | *PARA3002 OR PARA3007 | 1 x Emergency Operation Centre | You will spend one shift in the Emergency Operations Centre paired with an operator to see how 000 calls are triaged, crews are dispatched and how large-scale inter agency emergencies are coordinated. *This placement may be allocated in either PARA3002 or PARA3007 on availability. |
Students must obtain the appropriate placement uniform. This uniform must also be worn during practical sessions and at other times when requested.
Item | Description |
Paramedic science shirt | Embroidered with your name and the Flinders University crest and course title. |
Softshell jacket | Embroidered with your name and the Flinders University crest and course title. |
Black cargo pants | No track pants, tights or jeans. |
Black work boots |
Sturdy, closed-in black boots. No sneakers. |
Safety glasses | For clinical placements and practical sessions. Glasses must meet Australian Standards (AS 1337). |
For more information on sizing and to place orders visit the Corporate Image website.
You are required to read and understand the SA Health Clinical Placement Requirements for Healthcare Students (PDF)
Under the national law, all students enrolled in an approved program of study, or who are undertaking clinical training in a health profession, must be registered as a student with their respective national board.
The university is responsible for ensuring that students who are enrolled in an approved program of study who are undertaking clinical training in a health professional are registered. The University provides this information to AHPRA.
If you have an existing condition or develop an illness or disability that may impede your ‘fitness for professional practice’, you must have the Flinders University Fitness to return to placement PDF completed by a medical practitioner.
This form needs to be submitted to the Course Coordinator as soon as possible (for existing conditions, at least two weeks prior to the start of the semester).
You may be required to travel distances to some of your rural and regional placements, that you would not ordinarily drive.
Please refer to the Flinders University Driver and Vehicle Safety Procedures (PDF)
Relevant documentation:
The majority of paramedic degree students are required to participate in placements.
How many clinical placements do I need to complete, and what exactly do the different types of placements involve?
The number of placements you are required to complete for each topic is provided in the Statement Assessment Method for that topic. Placements are an assessable (non-graded pass - NGP) requirement of PARA1000, PARA1005, PARA2002, PARA2007, PARA3002 and PARA3007.
If you experience something traumatic while on placement, you should immediately let your team leader or supervisor know. They will then ensure that you are followed up - initially by SAAS Peer Support (who will contact you) and then through stages of the process that apply to your situation.
It is important that you speak to someone as soon as any issues arise. Your concerns will be treated with respect and can be kept confidential. For enrolled students further detail about the Peer Support Process is provided in FLO.
Remember that you have free access to the University Health, Counselling and Disability Services.
Flinders University is committed to ensuring that students can participate in workplaces that are free from bullying, harassment and discrimination, and where people are respected and diversity is embraced.
The College complies with the Flinders University principles outlined in No bullying at Flinders.
If you feel that you are being, or have been, bullied or harassed at a placement venue, report this immediately to your topic coordinator.
Also, seek support and assistance as soon as possible from the University Student Equal Opportunity Adviser, who provides assistance to resolve complaints that arise from harassment or bullying, under the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy (PDF).
Flinders University is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment. There is no place for sexual assault or sexual harassment at Flinders University.
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment, or you are concerned about an incident or behaviour, contact us. We will be there to listen, provide information about options available to you and support you through the process.
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: BGL Work Integrated Learning
Location: Education Building Front Office (Level 4, Room 4.69)
Phone: 8201 5410
FLO page: EPSW Work Integrated Learning
Location: Social Sciences South Room 250
Phone: 7421 9860
FLO page: HASS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Flinders Medical Centre, Level 5 Room 5E213
Phone: 7221 8390
FLO page: MPH Work integrated Learning
Location: Level 1, North Wing, Sturt campus
Phone: 8201 7500
FLO page: NHS Work Integrated Learning
Location: Tonsley and Bedford Park
Phone: 8201 5133
FLO page: CSE Work Integrated Learning
Location: Room 003 Registry, Bedford Park
Phone: 08 8201 5893
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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