Intellectual property (IP) is the property of your mind or proprietary knowledge. It is a productive new idea that you create. This can be an invention, trademark, design, brand or even the application of your idea. This can also include original contributions that are part of larger industry or externally funded projects.
HDR students will own their IP in the research that they produce throughout their candidature unless there is a written agreement to the contrary. There may be instances when the IP needs to be assigned to the university, supervisor or funding body, if the activity meets any of the conditions below:
Usually, prior to starting a research project, a supervisor indicates that a student will be required to sign an agreement assigning project intellectual property rights to the University or a relevant third party. However, there are some instances where project IP is required to be assigned after a project has started, such as if third-party funding is awarded after the student commences their candidature, or there are major breakthroughs during the research.
The process of assigning IP is managed through the Student Research IP Procedures. If you are asked to consent to assigning over your HDR project IP, you should:
If you need some further information on IP, you can complete the Epigeum online course. If you have not already set up an Epigeum account, you can do so by referring to instructions for HDR students.
An understanding of intellectual property is essential for researchers in any disciplinary field. This course will provide a clear explanation of this subject area and will guide you through many of its practical applications, from publishing papers to commercialising research. The course provides Master's students and PhD candidates with a grounding in the key areas of IP, from copyright and publishing to patents, trademarks, design rights, confidentiality, ownership, and exploitation
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South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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