1 x 2-hour tutorial weekly
1 Admission into MTEC-Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
1a Admission into MTS-Master of Teaching (Secondary)
1b Admission into MTSE-Master of Teaching (Special Education)
1c Admission into MEDCP-Master of Education (Cog Psych & Educational Prac)
1d Admission into MEDLM-Master of Education (Leadership and Management)
1e Admission into MEDSE-Master of Education (Special Education)
1f Admission into MEDWS-Master of Education
1g Admission into MEDGEP-Master of Education (Gifted Education) [1.5 years]
1h Admission into MEDIBP-Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) [1.5 years]
1i Admission into MEDSEP-Master of Education (Special Education) [1.5 years]
1j Admission into MEDLMP-Master of Education (Leadership and Management) [1.5 years]
1k Admission into MEDWSP-Master of Education [1.5 years]
1l Admission into MEDWM-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health)
1m Admission into MEDWMP-Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) [1.5 years]
1n Admission into MTSESC-Master of Teaching (Special Education) (Secondary)
1o Admission into MATESL-Master of Arts (Teaching English as a Second Language)
1p Admission into MLE-Master of Leadership in Education
2 Admission into MEDUA - Master of Education - 1.5 years
2a Admission into MEDLE-Master of Education (Languages Education)
2b Admission into MEDLEP-Master of Education (Languages Education) [1.5 years]
2c Admission into GDPTESOL-GradDip in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
2d Admission into MTESOL-Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
2e Admission into MED-Master of Education
2f Admission into MCPEP-Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
2g Admission into GCE-Graduate Certificate in Education
3 Admission into BAMTPR-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary)
3a Admission into BAMTS-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
3b Admission into BGSCMTPR-Bachelor of General Science, Master of Teaching (Primary)
3c Admission into BSCMTS-Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary)
4 108 units of study
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n or 1o or 1p)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d or 2e or 2f or 2g)) or ((3 or 3a or 3b or 3c) and 4))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of EDUC3505, EDUC3527, EDUC9101 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Two years minimum and three years desired completion of studies in a modern language.
Topic description
A series of frameworks will be critiqued in relation to their theoretical significance and their potential to contribute to sustainable language learning environments that foster respect for cultural diversity and group and individual identity. The topic provides workshop activities which focus on unit and lesson planning and inclusive curriculum and assessment practice in languages education.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • explore curriculum inquiry through a range of language learning theories

  • research and present information on lesson and unit planning that provides opportunities for quality language learning through multimodalities

  • examine and critique the principles of intercultural language learning and intercultural communicative competence

  • consider a range of negotiated and inclusive assessment pathways

  • explore a range of strategies for successful language acquisition

  • engage in reflective practice
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • review understandings and contribute further discussion to existing perspectives on language learning theories.

  • critique quality language learning from a range of perspectives and create lessons and units in which students are engaged in meaningful learning through multimodalities, with a particular focus on ICT.

  • view and critique assessment from various perspectives and contribute to assessment design and reporting through equitable and inclusive pathways.

  • critique the outcomes possible through the provision of cognitive, metacognitive and socio-affective learning strategies in foreign language acquisition.

  • engage in reflective practice that encourages descriptive and critical insights viewed from a range of perspectives that include the voice of the learner.