EndNote is a reference management tool that allows you to:
Flinders University has a site licence agreement to use EndNote on all university computers and personal computers.
EndNote is installed on all student computers on campus.
Search Windows for EndNote.
EndNote can be installed via the IDS Support Portal icon on your desktop.
Click Install Software and search for EndNote.
EndNote is available for installation on a single computer owned by:
Please note: the download page is a FAN protected area and requires you to be logged into OKTA before clicking.
Flinders provides a self-paced online course that covers the basics of using EndNote, including:
The Library offers regularly scheduled EndNote Essentials Workshops that cover the same content as the topic above. Click the link for more information and times.
Register for a workshop.
EndNote offers e-learning courses for both Advanced and Expert features, such as:
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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