No further student intake
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Specialisations).
The Hydrology (Honours) Specialisation is offered by the College of Science and Engineering.
The minimum requirements for consideration for entry to all undergraduate courses are specified in detail in the University Entry Requirements.
The course aims to provide students with a broad-based foundation in science together with specialisation in hydrology. It also aims to develop a range of transferable research, analytical and communication skills including the capacity to:
The educational aims of this specialisation are to provide students with an overview of processes that determine the source, amount and flows of water in terrestrial, atmospheric and marine systems, with a particular focus on aspects relating to water problems facing Australia.
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
To qualify for the Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Hydrology) a student must complete 144 units, with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic, according to the program of study detailed below.
No more than 45 units of First Year level topics may be included in the 144 units for the degree. Topics designated 'any year' or with no year level specified are regarded as First Year level topics.
Elective topics to complete 144 units may be selected from any offered within the University or, with approval from the College of Science and Engineering, from outside the University, provided any course and prerequisite requirements are met.
Not all topics are necessarily available in a given year
Upon completion of at least 103.5 units and with a GPA of 5 or more in the last 36 units of study, students may commence the Fourth Year Honours program. Students who do not meet the GPA requirement will exit with the Bachelor of Science (Hydrology) on completion of 108 units.
Students who have completed 108 units according to the first three years of the Program may choose to exit with the Bachelor of Science (Hydrology).
36 units comprising:
EASC1101 Earth and Environmental Sciences (4.5 units)
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
STEM1001 Nature of STEM (4.5 units)
STEM1002 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (4.5 units)
Select one of:
CHEM1101 Chemical Structure and Bonding (4.5 units)
CHEM1201 General Chemistry (4.5 units)
Plus 9 units of elective topics from across the University where entry requirements are met.
36 units comprising:
ENGR2751 Fluid Mechanics (4.5 units)
EASC2702 Global Climate Change (4.5 units)
ENVS2761 Hydrology (4.5 units)
EASC3741 Physical Hydrogeology (4.5 units)
EASC3742 Earth Fluid Modelling (4.5 units)
STEM2001 Remote Sensing for all Disciplines (4.5 units)
Plus 9 units of elective topics from across the University where entry requirements are met.
36 units comprising:
ENVS3750 Field Studies in Environmental Disciplines (4.5 units)
ENGR3851 Hydraulics and Water Engineering (4.5 units)
EASC3751 Hydrochemistry (4.5 units)
ENVS3801 Public Health Aspects of Water Quality (4.5 units)
STEM3100 Research Project in Science (4.5 units)
4.5 units selected from:
EASC3782 Contaminant and Tracer Hydrology (4.5 units)
ENVS3752 Geology of Australia (4.5 units)
STEM2002 Applied Problem Solving with Computers (4.5 units)
STEM3001 Science Connect (4.5 units)Elective - Year 3 topicsElective - Year 3 topics
Plus 9 units of elective topics# from across the University where entry requirements are met.
#Students are encouraged to enrol in STEM3001 Science Connect (4.5 units).
36 units comprising:
ENVS7700A Honours Research Project in the Environment (4.5/22.5 units)
ENVS7700B Honours Research Project in the Environment (4.5/22.5 units)
ENVS7700C Honours Research Project in the Environment (4.5/22.5 units)
ENVS7700D Honours Research Project in the Environment (4.5/22.5 units)
ENVS7700E Honours Research Project in the Environment (4.5/22.5 units)
STEM7001 Research Methods for Honours (4.5 units)
Select two of *:
ENVH7711 Environmental Health Concepts (4.5 units)
ENVH7722 Food Safety (4.5 units)
ENVH7731 Sustainable Development - Health Issues (4.5 units)
ENVH7742 Microbiology and Communicable Diseases (4.5 units)
ENVS7701 Coastal Management (4.5 units)
GEOG7721 Population Issues of Developed and Developing Countries (4.5 units)
STEM8004 Modelling in Space and Time, Geostatistics and GIS GE (4.5 units)
*or another topic approved by the Course Co-ordinator, appropriate to a student’s program.
The Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Hydrology) may also be studied in a combined degree program with another Bachelor degree in the College of Science and Engineering where the combination meets the requirements of the credit transfer policy.
Every effort has been made to ensure the information published on the Course Rule pages is accurate at the time of publication. Flinders University reserves the right to amend its curriculum without prior notice, and will update the Course Rules to reflect any amendments at the earliest opportunity.
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