The Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary) double degree is a pre-service teacher education course which requires five years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). Students who study part-time would normally be expected to complete the double degree program within ten years.
The course is offered by the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work.
The minimum requirements for consideration for entry to all undergraduate courses are specified in detail in the University Entry Requirements.
Applicants must complete a non-academic capabilities assessment task that is based on the Australian Institute for Teaching and school Leadership Initial Teacher Education standards.
The course aims to provide graduates with a sound basis of knowledge of their chosen areas of study in science together with the ability to apply an advanced/specialised body of content and pedagogical knowledge, skills and dispositions to:
On completion of the double degree program graduates will be able to:
To qualify for the double degree of Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary), a student must:
This double degree focuses on teaching students who are in secondary years. During their secondary years young people develop their plans for post-secondary education and work. As secondary teachers, graduates of this pre-service qualification will play a key role in developing the knowledge, skills and resources that young people need to meet their goals.
This double degree allows pre-service teachers to pursue a teaching specialisation in more depth and deepen their understanding in topics and issues of personal interest. Graduates will be qualified to teach in at least two different school curriculum areas at secondary school level. The school curriculum subjects that are offered are:
Information Technology, Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, Mathematics.
Except with the permission of the Dean (Education), a student may not proceed to the Master level topics in years four and five unless they have satisfactorily completed the first three years of the double degree.
Students will normally need to have achieved a GPA of 5.00 or higher in the first 108 units to enter the Masters component in the final two years of the double degree. Under exceptional circumstances and subject to specific conditions, the Dean (Education) may permit students who do not meet this GPA requirement to enter the final two years of the double degree. Those not meeting this requirement will transfer to the four-year Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Science double degree.
Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Science may transfer to Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary) if they have achieved a GPA of at least 5.00 after completion of 36 or 72 units of the degree. Under exceptional circumstances and subject to specific conditions, the Dean (Education) may invite other students to transfer.
Students who commence, but subsequently do not wish to complete, the double degree program may be eligible to exit with:
Except with the permission of the Dean (Education):
Students should note that professional experience topics require full-time commitment for their duration.
The Bachelor component must include:
*Some Senior Years Teaching Areas such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics have 9 units of compulsory First Year Science elective topics.
Students should note that the same upper level topics cannot be counted twice between Teaching Areas in the Bachelor of Science component. Students may need to select alternative upper level Science topics from the one offered.
9 units comprising:
EDUC1120 Teaching and Educational Contexts (4.5 units)
EDUC1223 Middle Schooling Philosophy and Pedagogy (4.5 units)
EDUC1227 Professional Experience: Year 1 (Middle and Secondary Schooling) (0 units)
Choose 27 units comprising:
9 units of Senior Years Teaching Area 1 topics
9 units of Senior Years Teaching Area 2 topics
9 units of Middle Years Teaching Area 1 topics or Science elective topics
4.5 units comprising
EDUC2320 Learners and their Development - Middle and Secondary Schooling (4.5 units)
EDUC2326 Professional Experience: Year 2A (Middle and Secondary Schooling) (0 units)
EDUC2426 Professional Experience: Year 2B (Middle and Secondary Schooling) (0 units)
Choose 31.5 units comprising:
9 units of Senior Years Teaching Area 1 topics
18 units of Senior Years Teaching Area 2 topics
4.5 units of Middle Years Teaching Area 1 topics or Science elective topics
18 units comprising:
EDUC3526 Literacies Across the Curriculum in the Middle and Secondary Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3530 Professional Experience: Year 3A (Middle and Secondary Schooling) (0 units)
EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT Across the Middle and Secondary Curriculum (4.5 units)
EDUC3642 Professional Experience: Year 3B (Middle and Secondary Schooling) (4.5 units)
EDUC7360 Understanding Child and Adolescent Behaviour (4.5 units)#
Choose 4.5 units of Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years from
EDUC3531A Drama Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531B English Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531C Health Education Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531D HASS Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531E Languages Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531F Mathematics Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531G Physical Education Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531H Science Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3531I Visual Arts Curriculum Specialisation A1: Curriculum Development in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
Choose 4.5 units of Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years from
EDUC3643A Drama Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643B English Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643C Health Education Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643D HASS Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643E Languages Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643F Mathematics Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643G Physical Education Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643H Science Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643I Visual Arts Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
EDUC3643J General Curriculum Specialisation B1: Developing Curriculum in Context in the Middle Years (4.5 units)
Choose 9 units comprising:
4.5 units of Senior Years Teaching Area 1 topics
4.5 units of Middle Years Teaching Area 1 topics or Science elective topics
22.5 units comprising:
EDUC9226 Professional Issues in Secondary Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9308 Professional Experience 2: Assessment for Registration (Secondary) (4.5 units)
EDUC9400 Teaching Indigenous Australian Students GE (4.5 units)
EDUC9401 Teacher as Researcher (4.5 units)
EDUC9406 Differentiation and Inclusive Educational Practices (4.5 units)
Choose 4.5 units of Curriculum Studies A2: Senior Years Specialisation 1 from:
EDUC9305F Mathematics Curriculum Studies A2: Senior Years Specialisation 1 (4.5 units)
EDUC9305K Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics Curriculum Studies A2: Senior Years Specialisation 1 (4.5 units)
EDUC9305M Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies A2: Senior Years Specialisation 1 (4.5 units)
EDUC9305P Information Technology Curriculum Studies A2: Senior Years Specialisation 1 (4.5 units)
Choose 4.5 units of Curriculum Studies B2: Senior Years Specialisation 2 from:
EDUC9306F Mathematics Curriculum Studies B2: Senior Years Specialisation 2 (4.5 units)
EDUC9306H Advanced Science Curriculum Studies B2: Senior Years Specialisation 2 (4.5 units)
EDUC9306K Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics Curriculum Studies B2: Senior Years Specialisation 2 (4.5 units)
EDUC9306M Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies B2: Senior Years Specialisation 2 (4.5 units)
EDUC9306P Information Technology Curriculum Studies B2: Senior Years Specialisation 2 (4.5 units)
Choose 4.5 units of Senior Years Teaching Area 1 topics^
4.5 units comprising:
EDUC9761 Approaches to Research (4.5 units)
Choose either a 4.5 unit Independent Research Study or an 18 unit Dissertation:
EDUC9719 Independent Research Study (4.5 units)
OR complete the following 18 unit Dissertation
EDUC9724A Dissertation in Education (4.5/18 units)
EDUC9724B Dissertation in Education (4.5/18 units)
EDUC9724C Dissertation in Education (4.5/18 units)
EDUC9724D Dissertation in Education (4.5/18 units)
Select the remaining topics from the list of Master of Education Option topics to fulfil the 36 unit year 5 requirement. Students may choose topics from a single Master of Education specialisation area as listed below or can choose topics from a range of these specialisation areas:
Master of Education Option topics
Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice
EDUC8731 Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9732 Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition (4.5 units)
EDUC9733 The Psychology of Learning and Instruction (4.5 units)
EDUC9734 Applications of Psychology to Learning and Instruction (4.5 units)
EDUC9735 Research Design in Cognition and Instruction (4.5 units)
EDUC9736 Research Application in Cognition and Instruction (4.5 units)
Educational Research, Evaluation and Assessment
EDUC9762 Introduction to Statistics (4.5 units)
EDUC9763 Survey and Questionnaire Methods (4.5 units)
EDUC9764 Methods in Ethnography (4.5 units)
EDUC9765 Researching Texts and Documents (4.5 units)
EDUC9766 Multivariate and Multilevel Statistics for Educational Research (4.5 units)
EDUC9767 Assessment in Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9769 Measuring Educational Achievement (4.5 units)
INDG9000 Indigenous Research Methodologies (4.5 units)
Gifted Education
EDUC8791 Gifted Education: Conceptions of Giftedness, Intelligence and Creativity (4.5 units)
EDUC9792 Gifted Education: Curriculum and Differentiation (4.5 units)
EDUC9793 Design Thinking to Develop and Evaluate Educational Programs (4.5 units)
EDUC9794 Gifted Education: Affective Development (4.5 units)
Higher Education
EDUC8905 Higher Education: A Global Context (4.5 units)
EDUC9906 Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (4.5 units)
International Baccalaureate
EDUC8821 IBMYP Curriculum Foundations (4.5 units)
EDUC9822 IBMYP Curriculum Processes (4.5 units)
EDUC9823 Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the IB (4.5 units)
EDUC9824 Classroom Diversity and the IBMYP (4.5 units)
Languages Education
EDUC8602 Leaders and Leadership (4.5 units)
EDUC8731 Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9701 Effective Use of ICT for Learning and Teaching (4.5 units)
EDUC9704 Exploring Languages Pedagogy - Theory and Practice (4.5 units)
EDUC9705 Developing Literacies Through Intercultural Language Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9706 Visualising Language Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9708 New Technologies and e-pedagogy in Foreign Language Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9732 Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition (4.5 units)
EDUC9733 The Psychology of Learning and Instruction (4.5 units)
EDUC9767 Assessment in Education (4.5 units)
ESOL8001 Fundamental Concepts of Second Language Learning and Teaching in TESOL GE (4.5 units)
ESOL8002 Language Assessment in TESOL GE (4.5 units)
LING8001 Introduction to Second Language Acquisition GE (4.5 units)
LING8002 Introduction to Second Language Teaching Methodology GE (4.5 units)
Leadership and Management
EDUC8601 Strategic Thinking and Planning (4.5 units)
EDUC8602 Leaders and Leadership (4.5 units)
EDUC8618 Pedagogical Leadership (4.5 units)
EDUC9603 Theories of Organisational Change (4.5 units)
EDUC9604 Managing Human Resources (4.5 units)
EDUC9605 Leading Knowledge Management for Organisational Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9606 Planning Change in Organisations (4.5 units)
EDUC9608 Globalisation, Development and Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9609 Leadership and Management in Rural Contexts (4.5 units)
EDUC9610 Developing People in Organisations (4.5 units)
EDUC9611 Managing Innovation in Organisations (4.5 units)
EDUC9616 Leadership and Management in Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9617 Education Governance (4.5 units)
EDUC9707 Leading Change in the Digital Age (4.5 units)
Special Education
EDUC8129 Contemporary Issues in Special Education (4.5 units)
EDUC8541 Studies in Vision Impairment 1 (4.5 units)
EDUC8731 Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC8791 Gifted Education: Conceptions of Giftedness, Intelligence and Creativity (4.5 units)
EDUC9307 Educational Planning and Assessment for Students with Diverse Learning Needs (4.5 units)
EDUC9406 Differentiation and Inclusive Educational Practices (4.5 units)
EDUC9409 Intervention for Students with Numeracy Difficulties (4.5 units)
EDUC9501 Understanding Behaviour in Educational Contexts (4.5 units)
EDUC9503 Supporting Behaviour Change (4.5 units)
EDUC9504 Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support (4.5 units)
EDUC9511 Complex Communication Needs and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (4.5 units)
EDUC9512 Functional Behaviour Assessment in Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9513 Personalised Curriculum Design for Learners with Disabilities (4.5 units)
EDUC9521 Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities (4.5 units)
EDUC9522 Intervention for Students with Literacy Difficulties (4.5 units)
EDUC9531 Current Perspectives in Early Intervention (4.5 units)
EDUC9532 Early Intervention: Learning From and Through Play (4.5 units)
EDUC9544 Studies in Orientation and Mobility: Research and Practice (4.5 units)
EDUC9551 Introduction to Sensory Impairment (4.5 units)
EDUC9552 Collaborative Consultation (4.5 units)
EDUC9553 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Teaching and Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9709 Mindfulness and the Inner World of Teaching and Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9732 Teaching to Develop Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition (4.5 units)
EDUC9792 Gifted Education: Curriculum and Differentiation (4.5 units)
Studies of Asia
EDUC8881 Studies of Asia Across the Curriculum: An Introduction (4.5 units)
EDUC8883 Studies of Asia: Contemporary Issues and Values (4.5 units)
EDUC9882 Studies of Asia: Premodern Asian Societies and Cultures (4.5 units)
EDUC9884 Studies of Asia: Arts Learning Area 1 (Sources and Contexts) (4.5 units)
EDUC9885 Studies of Asia: Arts Learning Area 2 (Contemporary Arts of Asia) (4.5 units)
EDUC9886 Studies of Asia: English Learning Area 1 (Literatures from Asia) (4.5 units)
EDUC9887 Studies of Asia: English Learning Area 2 (Contemporary Asian Literature) (4.5 units)
EDUC9888 Studies of Asia: Utilising In-Country Experience (4.5 units)
Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health
EDUC8601 Strategic Thinking and Planning (4.5 units)
EDUC8602 Leaders and Leadership (4.5 units)
EDUC8731 Motivation, Cognition and Metacognition in Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9531 Current Perspectives in Early Intervention (4.5 units)
EDUC9552 Collaborative Consultation (4.5 units)
EDUC9606 Planning Change in Organisations (4.5 units)
EDUC9702 Teaching and learning to promote wellbeing and positive mental health in schools and early childhood services (4.5 units)
EDUC9709 Mindfulness and the Inner World of Teaching and Learning (4.5 units)
Other Education Options
EDUC9502 Assessment, Planning and Teaching in Behaviour (4.5 units)
EDUC9612 Advanced Issues in Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9612A Advanced Issues in Education A (4.5 units)
EDUC9703 Postgraduate Education: Purposes and Practices (4.5 units)
EDUC9851 Constructions of Education and Social Justice (4.5 units)
EDUC9852 Ethics in Education (4.5 units)
EDUC9921 Issues in Professional Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9922 Models of Professional Learning (4.5 units)
EDUC9923 Leading Professional Learning (4.5 units)
#This topic counts towards the Master of Teaching (Secondary) component of the double degree
^This topic counts towards the Bachelor of Science component of the double degree
18 units comprising
BIOL1101 Evolution of Biological Diversity (4.5 units)
BIOL1102 Molecular Basis of Life (4.5 units)
CHEM1101 Chemical Structure and Bonding (4.5 units), and
CHEM1102 Modern Chemistry (4.5 units)
CHEM1201 General Chemistry (4.5 units), and
CHEM1202 Chemistry for Life Sciences (4.5 units)
18 units comprising
CHEM1201 General Chemistry (4.5 units), and
CHEM1101 Chemical Structure and Bonding (4.5 units), and
CHEM1102 Modern Chemistry (4.5 units)
plus one of
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
MATH1701 Mathematics Fundamentals A (4.5 units)
18 units comprising
CHEM1101 Chemical Structure and Bonding (4.5 units) and
CHEM1102 Modern Chemistry (4.5 units)
plus one of
CHEM2701 Chemical Reactivity (4.5 units)
CHEM2702 Organic Reactions (4.5 units)
CHEM2711 Spectroscopy and Data Anaylsis (4.5 units)
CHEM2712 Analytical Separations (4.5 units)
plus one of
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
MATH1701 Mathematics Fundamentals A (4.5 units)
18 units comprising
EASC1101 Earth and Environmental Sciences (4.5 units)
EASC1102 Marine Sciences (4.5 units)
GEOG1001 Water Resources and Society (4.5 units)
STEM1002 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (4.5 units)
Appropriate for students who have NOT successfully completed SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies or equivalent.
18 units comprising:
MATH1701 Mathematics Fundamentals A (4.5 units)
MATH1702 Mathematics Fundamentals B (4.5 units)
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
Appropriate for students who HAVE successfully completed SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies or equivalent.
18 units comprising:
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
plus two of the following (subject to prerequisites and availability):
MATH2701 Principles of Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH2711 Several Variable Calculus (4.5 units)
MATH2722 Numerical Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH3702 Methods of Applied Mathematics (4.5 units)
MATH3711 Complex Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH3712 Partial Differential Equations (4.5 units)
MATH3731 Algebra (4.5 units)
STAT1121 Data Science (4.5 units)
STAT1122 Biostatistics (4.5 units)
STAT1132 Statistics 1 (4.5 units)
STAT2702 Probability (4.5 units)
STAT3701 Statistical Science (4.5 units)
STAT3702 Stochastic Processes (4.5 units)
18 units comprising
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
PHYS1101 Fundamental Physics I (4.5 units)
PHYS1102 Fundamental Physics II (4.5 units)
18 units of year 1 topics which must be selected as part of the 36 unit year 1 program
BIOL1101 Evolution of Biological Diversity (4.5 units)
BIOL1102 Molecular Basis of Life (4.5 units)
plus one of
CHEM1101 Chemical Structure and Bonding (4.5 units)
CHEM1201 General Chemistry (4.5 units)
CHEM1202 Chemistry for the Life Sciences (4.5 units)
plus 18 units from the following:
BIOL2701 Experimental Design and Statistics for Biology (4.5 units)
BIOL2702 Genetics, Evolution and Biodiversity (4.5 units)
BIOL2711 Ecology (4.5 units)
BIOL2712 Animal Diversity (4.5 units)
BIOL2721 Foundations of Animal Behaviour (4.5 units)
BIOL2722 Disease and Immunology (4.5 units)
BIOL2731 Aquaculture Nutrition and Water Quality (4.5 units)
BIOL2732 Aquaculture Systems and Technology (4.5 units)
BIOL2742 Marine Ecology (4.5 units)*
BIOL2761 Virology (4.5 units)
BIOL2771 Biochemistry (4.5 units)
BIOL2772 Molecular Biology (4.5 units)
BIOL3701 Restoration Ecology (4.5 units)
BIOL3702 Marine and Freshwater Biology (4.5 units)*
BIOL3703 Vertebrate Palaeontology (4.5 units)*
BIOL3711 Plant Biology (4.5 units)
BIOL3712 Integrative Physiology of Animals and Plants (4.5 units)
BIOL3721 Research in Animal Behaviour (4.5 units)*
BIOL3722 Conservation and Ecological Genetics (4.5 units)*
BIOL3731 Aquaculture Reproduction (4.5 units)
BIOL3732 Aquaculture Health and Product Quality (4.5 units)
BIOL3751 Marine Mammals, Birds and Reptiles (4.5 units)*
BIOL3752 Fisheries Biology, Science and Management (4.5 units)
BIOL3761 Foundations in Microbiology (4.5 units)
BIOL3762 Protein to Proteome (4.5 units)*
BIOL3771 DNA to Genome (4.5 units)*
BIOL3772 Integrating Molecular Biosciences (4.5 units)*
BIOL3782 Advanced Microbiology: Microbial Ecology and Infectious Disease (4.5 units)*
* These topics require appropriate selection of other topics in order to meet prerequisite requirement
13.5 or 18 units of year 1 topics which must be selected as part of the 36 unit year 1 program
CHEM1101 Chemical Structure and Bonding (4.5 units) and
CHEM1102 Modern Chemistry (4.5 units)
CHEM1201 General Chemistry (4.5 units), and
CHEM1101 Chemical Structure and Bonding (4.5 units), and
CHEM1102 Modern Chemistry (4.5 units)
plus one of
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
MATH1701 Mathematics Fundamentals A (4.5 units)
Students intending to undertake a program in Chemistry are recommended to consider PHYS1101 Fundamental Physics I as an elective topic.
plus 9 units from the following:
CHEM2701 Chemical Reactivity (4.5 units)
CHEM2702 Organic Reactions (4.5 units)
CHEM2711 Spectroscopy and Data Anaylsis (4.5 units)
plus 9 units from the following:
CHEM3701 Applied Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry (4.5 units)
CHEM3702 Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry (4.5 units)
CHEM3711 Organic Synthesis and Mechanism (4.5 units)
CHEM3712 Introduction to Polymer Science (4.5 units)
36 units comprising
EASC1101 Earth and Environmental Sciences (4.5 units)
EASC1102 Marine Sciences (4.5 units)
GEOG1001 Environment and Society (4.5 units)
STEM1002 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (4.5 units)
plus 18 units from the following
BIOL3791 Ecology and Geomorphology of Coastal Environments (4.5 units)
EASC2701 Oceans and Estuaries (4.5 units)
EASC2702 Global Climate Change (4.5 units)
EASC3741 Physical Hydrogeology (4.5 units)
EASC3742 Earth Fluid Modelling (4.5 units)
ENVS2731 Coastal Processes (4.5 units)
ENVS2752 Geological Processes (4.5 units)
ENVS2761 Hydrology (4.5 units)
ENVS3731 Ecohydrology (4.5 units)
ENVS3750 Field Studies in Environmental Disciplines (4.5 units)
ENVS3752 Geology of Australia (4.5 units)
27 units comprising:
COMP1002 Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence (4.5 units)
COMP1102 Computer Programming 1 (4.5 units)
COMP1711 Database Modelling and Knowledge Engineering (4.5 units
ENGR1401 Professional Skills (4.5 units)
plus 9 units from the following;
COMP2711 Computer Programming 2 (4.5 units)
COMP2741 Application Development (4.5 units)
COMP2772 Web-Based Systems Development (4.5 units)
COMP2781 Computer Mathematics (4.5 units)
COMP2812 Operating Systems (4.5 units)
ENGR2792 Software Engineering 2 (4.5 units)
ENGR2881 Computer Networks (4.5 units)
Appropriate for students who have NOT successfully completed SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies or equivalent.
27 units comprising:
MATH1701 Mathematics Fundamentals A (4.5 units)
MATH1702 Mathematics Fundamentals B (4.5 units)
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
plus 9 units from the following (subject to prerequisites and availability):
MATH2701 Principles of Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH2702 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4.5 units)
MATH2711 Several Variable Calculus (4.5 units)
MATH2722 Numerical Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH3702 Methods of Applied Mathematics (4.5 units)
MATH3711 Complex Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH3712 Partial Differential Equations (4.5 units)
MATH3731 Algebra (4.5 units)
STAT1121 Data Science (4.5 units)
STAT1122 Biostatistics (4.5 units)
STAT1132 Statistics 1 (4.5 units)
STAT2702 Probability (4.5 units)
STAT3701 Statistical Science (4.5 units)
STAT3702 Stochastic Processes (4.5 units)
Appropriate for students who HAVE successfully completed SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies or equivalent
27 units comprising:
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
plus 18 units from the following (subject to prerequisites and availability):
MATH2701 Principles of Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH2702 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4.5 units)
MATH2711 Several Variable Calculus (4.5 units)
MATH2722 Numerical Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH3702 Methods of Applied Mathematics (4.5 units)
MATH3711 Complex Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH3712 Partial Differential Equations (4.5 units)
MATH3731 Algebra (4.5 units)
STAT1121 Data Science (4.5 units)
STAT1122 Biostatistics (4.5 units)
STAT1132 Statistics 1 (4.5 units)
STAT2702 Probability (4.5 units)
STAT3701 Statistical Science (4.5 units)
STAT3702 Stochastic Processes (4.5 units)
Assumed knowledge: At least mathematics skills and knowledge such as demonstrated by SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies or by a high mark in SACE 2 Mathematical Methods.
The topic sequence MATH1701 Mathematics Fundamentals A, and MATH1702 Mathematics Fundamentals B provide a pathway to enter the Senior Years Teaching Area for students without the assumed knowledge, but entry will therefore be delayed at least a year.
18 units of year 1 topics which must be selected as part of the 36 unit year 1 program
MATH1121 Mathematics 1A (4.5 units)
MATH1122 Mathematics 1B (4.5 units)
PHYS1101 Fundamental Physics I (4.5 units)
PHYS1102 Fundamental Physics II (4.5 units)
plus 9 units from the following:
MATH2711 Several Variable Calculus (4.5 units)
PHYS2701 Quantum Concepts (4.5 units)
PHYS2702 Classical Physics and Instrumentation (4.5 units)
PHYS2712 Thermodynamics and Energy Systems (4.5 units)
plus 9 units from the following:
MATH3711 Complex Analysis (4.5 units)
MATH3712 Partial Differential Equations (4.5 units)
PHYS3701 Nuclear and Statistical Physics (4.5 units)
PHYS3702 Solid State Physics and Optoelectronics (4.5 units)
PHYS3711 Quantum Physics (4.5 units)
Every effort has been made to ensure the information published on the Course Rule pages is accurate at the time of publication. Flinders University reserves the right to amend its curriculum without prior notice, and will update the Course Rules to reflect any amendments at the earliest opportunity.
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