This topic is designed to provide an opportunity for students to participate in a project that examines some aspect of practice with clients. This may involve activity within a social welfare agency, such that some contribution is made to the life of the agency. The project should involve exploration of practice and service delivery issues. It may, but does not necessarily, involve some participation in the service delivery of an agency. The project will be geared to issues relevant to the content of that topic.
This topic aims to provide students in the GCLGTC with the opportunity to explore, research, analyse and write about, in some depth, a specific theme within the areas of loss, grief and trauma. The project theme chosen will fit with a student's specific learning goals within the GCLGTC, but the project also may be useful for others, such as the student's workplace, social welfare service providers, client groups, or the general public.
Timetable details for 2021 are no longer published.