1 x 4-day intensive workshop per semester
10 x 2-hour on-line exercises per semester
10 x 1-hour on-line lectures per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into MSWGE-Master of Social Work (Graduate Entry)
2 completed 4 topics from SOAD9102, SOAD9103, SOAD9105, SOAD9106, SOAD9107, SOAD9109, SOAD9110, SOAD9212
3 Admission into MSWQS-Master of Social Work (Qualified Social Worker Entry)
4 Admission into GCLGTC-Graduate Certificate in Loss, Grief and Trauma Counselling
5 Admission into MSWRS-Master of Social Work (Registered Social Worker Entry)
Must Satisfy: ((1 and 2) or (3) or (4) or (5))
Enrolment not permitted
SOAD9032 has been successfully completed
Course context
Master of Social Work (Graduate Entry); Graduate Certificate in Loss, Grief and Trauma Counselling
Topic description
This topic will examine the theoretical and intervention aspects of loss and grief in professional practice. Various frameworks will be utilised for understanding the nature and impact of loss experiences in people's lives. Loss and grief will be considered beyond bereavement (death-related) situations so that some appreciation is developed of the range of losses that affect potential clients. The experience of loss and grief will be examined in relation to various stages of human development and different cultural perspectives. The responses of families and communities to loss will be considered. Interventions for professional practice will be emphasised and students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of interpersonal practice in loss and grief situations.

This topic is available on-line.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:
  • broaden students' perspective of loss and grief beyond death-related loss by examining various types of losses and their impact
  • increase students' awareness of the impact that loss experiences have on the development and functioning of individuals and families
  • increase students' knowledge of various frameworks for understanding loss and grief and corresponding clinical interventions

Expected learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this topic, you should be able to:
  • recognise the indicators of grief responses
  • assist clients in identifying loss experiences and expressing the feelings and issues related to these experiences
  • implement various interventions to help clients work on grief-related concerns
  • utilise community services and resources on behalf of grieving clients
  • practice in a way that is sensitive to cultural differences around grief