1 x 2-hour lecture once-only
1 x 2-hour seminar once-only
2 x 1-hour seminar-1s once-only
6 x 2-hour workshops per semester
1 x 11-hour practical once-only
4 x 8-hour field placements weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 SOAD3102 - Field Education 1
1a SOAD3102A - Field Education 1
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of SOAD4200, SOAD7018 has been successfully completed
Course context
Available for Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) students only
Topic description
As the second field placement of students, this topic aims to place students in the field where they will be undertaking social work roles with a range of clients - individuals, groups and communities - in casework, administration, planning or policy development. Students will have the opportunity to observe social work in action and apply social work knowledge and practice skills. In the process students' critical analysis and analytical reflection on their practice will be developed to an advanced level.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to
  • place students in the field, where they will be undertaking social work roles with a range of clients, groups and communities, and be exposed to administration, research, planning or policy development
  • develop to an advanced level students' critical and analytical reflection on their practice
  • make direct links between theory and practice towards a coherent practice
  • prepare students more directly towards entry into the workforce
Expected learning outcomes
On successful completion of this topic, student competencies will include:
  1. Direct Practice with Client Populations
    • Preparation prior to contact and tuning in to the client, agency, context, social work role and purpose is demonstrated
    • Relationships are developed and sustained
    • The client is engaged in the processes of assessment, planning, intervention, termination and evaluation
  2. Organisational Development and Management
    • Records and reports are written with clarity and purpose, with any recommendations made substantiated by a thorough assessment
    • Diversity is acknowledged and respected
    • Organisational, context, goals, structures, and funding arrangements are worked with as their impact is analysed and reflected on
  3. Policy and Research
    • Analysis and reflection of the impact of agency policies on the client group is evident
    • Research in and for practice is used to address the needs and aspirations of individuals, groups, communities, and to further organisational goals and social policy
  4. Professional practice
    • Professionalism is demonstrated
    • Critical reflection on learning and practice is evident
    • Supervision and learning activities are planned and utilized effectively