1 x 9-hour independent study weekly
1 x 60-minute on-line exercises weekly
1 x 30-minute on-line tutorial weekly
1 Admission into GCRHP-Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice
1a Admission into GDPRHP-Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice
1b Admission into MRIH-Master of Remote and Indigenous Health
1c Admission into MD-Doctor of Medicine
1d Admission into MND-Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
1e Admission into MCEXP-Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
1f Admission into BEXSMCEXP-Bachelor of Exercise Science, Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
1g Admission into GDPHN-Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition
1h Admission into MHN-Master of Human Nutrition
1i Admission into MPH-Master of Public Health
1j Admission into MPHA-Master of Public Health [1.5 years]
1k Admission into MDC-Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine
1l Admission into MDJ-Doctor of Medicine
1m Admission into BESSMCEXP-B of Exercise Science and Sport Sci, M of Clinical Exercise Physiology
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of HLTH9012, HLTH9012A, HLTH9012B has been successfully completed
Assignments; Oral; Tutorial Participation
Topic description
This topic introduces the health professional to chronic disease management in remote and Indigenous primary health care settings. The topic has a particular focus on understanding the link between biological pathways, the social determinants of health, optimizing outcomes and improving the quality of life for people experiencing chronic disease. The topic explores the role of the health practitioner in the prevention, early detection and management of chronic disease in the primary health care setting. Strategies employed for management of some clinically significant chronic conditions are examined and critiqued against criteria specific to the remote and Indigenous context. These include availability of human and material resources, interprofessional collaboration, cultural safety and engagement with individuals, family and community.
Educational aims
This topic aims to equip remote health professionals with skills and knowledge to provide quality chronic disease care and self management support with a focus on maximizing the capacity of people experiencing chronic and complex disease; optimizing health and social outcomes and improving quality of life.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of the topic the student will be able to:

  • Describe links between biological pathways, the social determinants of health and the burden of chronic disease/conditions in isolated, remote and Indigenous contexts;

  • Describe the patterns and prevalence of chronic disease in Indigenous and non-indigenous populations locally, nationally and internationally and analyse the impact upon an individual, the family, and the community;

  • Describe contemporary evidence based models and frameworks for guiding practice in the prevention, early detection and management of chronic disease in primary health care settings, and compare and contrast to international best practice;

  • Identify and apply the components of coordinated interprofessional collaborative care, teamwork and partnerships in terms of caring for people experiencing chronic disease conditions in resource poor, remote and Indigenous settings, following the principles of primary health care;

  • Develop strategies to maximise collaboration between: people experiencing chronic disease, professionals, health services, agencies, hospitals, and community-controlled and non-government organisations.