1 x 5-day intensive workshop once-only
1 x 9-hour independent study weekly
1 Admission into GCRHP-Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice
1a Admission into GDPRHP-Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice
1b Admission into MRIH-Master of Remote and Indigenous Health
1c Admission into MD-Doctor of Medicine
1d Admission into MDC-Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine
1e Admission into MDJ-Doctor of Medicine
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e))
Enrolment not permitted
HLTH8201 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Assumed knowledge of basic requirements to practice as a remote health professional
Course context
This topic is available to students enrolled in other graduate awards with the approval of the course coordinator, Remote Health programs
Assignments; Laboratory Participation; Oral; Tutorial Participation
Topic description
This topic explores the unique environmental and cultural context that characterizes the inseparable work and living situation of Remote Health professionals worldwide. Indigenous health and well-being are explored, particularly considering the interface between western biomedical models of health care and the diversity of Indigenous cultures. Issues relating to global Indigenous health are contextualized to remote practice by exploring issues of historical, cultural and political significance that influence the present health status of Indigenous Australians. Using a cultural safety framework, students examine their own values and beliefs and reflect on appropriate delivery of health care to Indigenous people that is transferable across practice settings. Decolonisation is presented as a way forward to address matters of social justice. Both positive and rewarding aspects of this unique practice context and challenges of living and working in remote areas are considered. Strategies for managing stress commonly experienced by remote practitioners are explored.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to develop the students' understanding of Remote and Indigenous people; the cultural, living and health issues faced in remote contexts; and how this affects Remote Health practice.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be able to:

  • Describe the distinct features and definitions of the remote environment including: geographical, sociological, cultural and health differentials

  • Identify the advanced scope of health professional practice required in remote contexts, the unique interprofessional nature of Remote and Indigenous health practice and the importance of both individual accountability and working as part of a team

  • Examine the relationship between world view and wellbeing

  • Describe the history and dominance of the western world view

  • Define and identify examples of stereotyping and racism and exploring how they impact the health and wellbeing of Indigenous people

  • Critically examine and analyse the concept of cultural safety and reflect on its relevance to health service delivery

  • Describe the relationship between historical factors and the health status and wellbeing of Indigenous people today, identifying the major influences and policies in Indigenous Australian history and contextualizing these to global Indigenous experiences