1 x 2-hour seminar weekly
1 x 8-hour independent study weekly
1 Admission into GCCR-Graduate Certificate in Clinical Rehabilitation
1a Admission into GDPCR-Graduate Diploma in Clinical Rehabilitation
1b Admission into MCR-Master of Clinical Rehabilitation
1c Admission into MCRNOT-Master of Clinical Rehabilitation (Neurological Occupational Therapy)
1d Admission into MCRNPT-Master of Clinical Rehabilitation (Neurological Physiotherapy)
1e Admission into MNG/CR-Master of Nursing (Coursework and Research)
1f Admission into MCRA-Master of Clinical Rehabilitation [1.5 years]
1g Admission into MHCR/R-Master of Health and Clinical Research
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g))
Assignments; Tutorial Participation
Topic description
The topic utilises a problem based learning approach (PBL).. Various categories of traumatic brain injury are presented in case scenario form. These scenarios serve as a springboard for learning about epidemiology and incidence, pathology, clinical features, prognosis, common cognitive and behavioural syndromes, assessment approaches, rehabilitation approaches, subjective experiences and the rehabilitation outcomes of traumatic brain injury. Students learn through reflection on their practice and the PBL case scenarios, analysis of recommended clinical guidelines and readings, exploring related resources, participating in online or tutorial discussions with other students and completing assignments.
Educational aims

This topic has the following specific educational aims

  • To increase a students knowledge and skills for rehabilitation for people with traumatic brain injury and other acquired brain injury of non-stroke origin

  • To use adult teaching and learning strategies that encourage students to take responsibility and actively use learning resources and develop their knowledge

Expected learning outcomes
Students will demonstrate:

  1. An understanding of TBI (and brain injury of non-stroke origin) epidemiology, incidence, pathology, clinical features, prognosis, common cognitive and behavioural syndromes, assessment approaches, rehabilitation interventions and outcomes, client and family subjective experiences

  2. An understanding of the rehabilitation needs of people with TBI by:

    a. formulating client/family focussed inter/multidisciplinary rehabilitation goals lists

    b. formulating rehabilitation plans for clients

  3. In-depth understanding in relation to a specific area of TBI rehabilitation practice, of the student's choosing

  4. Active engagement in the learning process e.g. evidence of critical reflection and considered opinion regarding readings and literature, own and team practice