Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BPSG-Bachelor of Psychological Studies (Graduate Entry)
1a Admission into BPSGFP-Bachelor of Psychological Studies (Graduate Entry) - City Campus
3 Admission into BHSPS-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology)
3a Admission into BEDSEC-Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
3b ^ PSYC2018 - Research Methods 2
3c Admission into BHSPSFP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology) - City Campus
2 13.5 units from any second year PSYC topics
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a)) or (2 and (3 or 3a or 3b or 3c)))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of PSYC3033, PSYC3050 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Introductory psychology, basic human development, basic statistics and research methods.
Topic description

This topic builds on the coverage study of the human development from material in first and second year. It illustrates the application of psychological methods to the understanding of lifespan human development by focusing on specific issues in developmental psychology, including sensitivity to cross-cultural patterns and within-country, subgroup-specific patterns (e.g. cognitive ageing in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians). It will adopt a biopsychosocial approach, drawing on the Lifespan Framework of Baltes and Bronfenbrenner's Bio-ecological Systems Model. Theoretical, empirical and professional approaches will be used to canvass contemporary issues impinging on development at various points across the lifespan.

Educational aims

This topic aims to provide students an advanced understanding of selected topics in Lifespan development, from childhood to late adulthood. It will require the development of cross-cultral awareness and an appreciation of individual differences, and cultural influences on change in behaviour over time.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Analyse how psychological processes vary across cultures to better understand diverse

    individuals and groups
  2. Evaluate key theories, methods, and findings in lifespan developmental psychology
  3. Critically evaluate a developmental research project and develop ideas for enhancing research approaches
  4. Demonstrate discipline-based writing skills for psychology
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the self-regulatory strategies that people use to maximise their developmental potential across the lifespan