1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BPSG-Bachelor of Psychological Studies (Graduate Entry)
1a Admission into BPSGFP-Bachelor of Psychological Studies (Graduate Entry) - City Campus
2 13.5 units from any second year PSYC topics
3 Admission into BHSPS-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology)
3a Admission into BEDSEC-Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
3b PSYC2018 - Research Methods 2
3c Admission into BHSPSFP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology) - City Campus
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a)) or (2 and (3 or 3a or 3b or 3c)))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of PSYC3232, PSYC3234 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Basic knowledge of social psychology and understanding of methodological principles and statistics in psychology.
Course context
Psychology major: Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), Bachelor of Psychological Studies (Graduate Entry), Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology), Bachelor of Psychological Science, Bachelor of Arts.
Topic description
Humans are social beings, whose cognitions, feelings and motivations are affected by, and affect, their interrelations with other individuals and groups. Our very sense of who we are, our effective agency and well-being are reflective of our relationships with other people. This topic investigates social psychological theory and research that helps us to understand ourselves and our social world, with implications for individual-level interventions as well as community programs or social policy. The topic will focus on selected issues of social psychology (e.g. justice, forgiveness, guilt), discuss cutting-edge research and examples in various cultural contexts, and implications for real-world problems.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to:
  • Provide students with an opportunity to learn about diverse issues of social psychology as well as theoretical and empirical approaches to their understanding
  • Elicit fascination for social psychological research and enable an advanced understanding of its intellectual and practical relevance
  • Engage students in discussions of cutting-edge research in social psychology and train their critical reception of the research
  • Give students the opportunity to train their analytical abilities, team work and public speaking
Expected learning outcomes
Students successfully completing the topic should be able to:
  • Identify issues and questions relevant to social psychology
  • Contrast different theoretical contributions and research traditions relevant to those questions
  • Critically discuss and scholarly evaluate research in these areas
  • Reflect on the significance of the insights social psychology has generated on these issues