1 x 5-day intensive workshop yearly
1 Admission into MPAEX-Executive Master of Public Administration
1a Admission into MPAEXFP-Executive Master of Public Administration
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a))
Course context
Reserved for participants of the ANZSOG Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) program.
Topic description
The topic is loosely based on a strategic framework which conceptualises public sector management in terms of three different sets of factors, providing categories within which contending views of value, strategy and service delivery can be explored, drawing on a variety of theoretical perspectives. Each category is a public sector analogue of factors in play in the private sector
  • the value created by the organisation (conceived more broadly than the products delivered by private companies, to include public and well as private value)
  • the authorising environment surrounding the organisation, that is, the political environment of formal and informal stakeholders who can give or withhold 'permission' and resources for what the organisation is doing, which is different from the market environment facing private firms
  • the operational capabilities utilised in creating or delivering value, many of which are external to the organisation, with the manager having only shared or indirect authority over them. These capabilities can be analysed through the notion of the 'public value chain', encompassing all of the capabilities (both internal and external) available to managers for achieving outcomes in the public sector.
Educational aims
This topic focuses on the essential management task of delivery value to the public. It is squarely based on the recognition that although it is possible to draw on concepts and methods from the private sector, public sector managment is different in important respects. This involves neither rejection nor uncritical limitation of business techniques, but rather adapting them to take account of the differences.

The objectives of this topic are that students will:
  • appreciate the different kinds of value created by public sector organisations for citizens and clients
  • understand how the political environment affects organisational objectives
  • be aware of the various kinds of operational capabilities availale to public sector managers, and how they can be mobilised
  • know how to recognise problems from symptoms, identify opportunities for action and mange risks in delivering value to the community
  • enhance their skills in people and knowledge management, contracting, partnering and inter-organisational collaboration in the public sector
  • be able to think strategically about delivery public value
Expected learning outcomes
The objectives of this topic are that students will
  • appreciate the difference kind of value created by public sector organisations for citizens and clients
  • understand how the political environment affects organisational objectives
  • be aware of the various kinds of operational capabilities available to public sector managers, and how they can be mobilised
  • know how to recognise problems from symptoms, identify opportunities for action and manage risks in delivering value to the community
  • enhance their skills in people and knowledge management, contracting, partnering and inter-organisational collaboration in the public sector
  • be able to think strategically about delivering public value.