16 x 3-hour workshops once-only
1 x 6-hour workshop-2 once-only
1 x 12-hour independent study weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into MPT-Master of Physiotherapy
1a Admission into BHSMPT-Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy
1b Admission into MPHYC-Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy
2 PHYT8004 - Neurological Rehabilitation
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b) and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
PHYT8006 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Content such as can be obtained in the first year and second year (semester 1) of the Master of Physiotherapy.
Group Presentation; Individual Case study
Topic description

This topic will enable development of academic and clinical knowledge and skills in areas of clinical practice such as major psychosocial, physiological and health issues across the age span and complex patients including those with multi-system or chronic diseases and disorders, pain syndromes and those who have undergone loss and grief, including specialist practice.

Educational aims

This topic in Master of Physiotherapy will specifically meet the program learning objectives of: applying physiotherapy skills in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for complex case management and advanced practice.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Apply integrated and multifaceted knowledge of chronic and complex disease and disorders across the lifespan
  2. Implement and evaluate efficient, effective, culturally responsive and client-centred physiotherapy assessment, for complex and chronic conditions
  3. Construct safe and effective physiotherapy plans using evidence based practice, for complex and chronic conditions, involving the client and relevant others
  4. Review and evaluate the continuation of physiotherapy and the facilitation of client’s optimal participation in everyday life
  5. Synthesise clear, accurate, sensitive and effective communication and the development of trust and rapport with clients with complex and chronic conditions and their families/caregivers and professional community