1 x 36-hour independent study weekly
4 x 50-minute supervised studies per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into MPC-Master of Palliative Care
1a Admission into MPCAC-Master of Palliative Care in Aged Care
1b Admission into MAG-Master of Applied Gerontology
2 36.0000000000 unit(s) of ____%
3 AGES9026 - Design and Ethics in Research with Vulnerable Populations
3a AGES8026 - Design and Ethics in Research with Vulnerable Populations
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b) and 2 and (3 or 3a))
Assumed knowledge
Knowledge of research methodology, research ethics application and research funding application processes appropriate to project.
Course context
Students in other Postgraduate degrees may be able to take this topic with permission of the course coordinator
Finalised Project Plan (with ethics approval as required) - 20%; Project Output - 80%
Topic description
This topic is designed to develop students' skills in conducting investigations to answer a specific question or solve practice-based problems through an in-depth study of an area of personal professional interest. Students will build on research methods knowledge to execute an independent piece of work and by disseminating findings, contribute new information or perspectives to current thinking in a related area of practice.
Educational aims
This topic aims to provide students with the experience of utilising applied research principles to understand and answer a research question or solve a practice issue. Students will build on skills in applied research that can inform and enhance knowledge and practice in the discipline, develop project development, execution and management skills useful to the practice setting and develop the student's communication skills to enable them to communicate their findings in written and oral form. Students will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner or learner.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students wil be able to:

  • Execute an independent piece of work that is designed to answer a specific research question or contributes to the solution of a practice-based issue

  • Demonstrate an understanding of a relevant theoretical or conceptual framework

  • Illustrate an ability to critically analyse the current literature in the context of the project

  • Analyse findings or outcomes in relation to their contribution to the field of practice

  • Produce a paper or presentation prepared for submission to a journal, industry or other relevant publication or a presentation to a professional forum.