1 x 2-hour tutorial weekly
2 x 3-hour seminars per semester
1 x 3-hour practical weekly
1 x 3-hour independent study weekly
2 x 50-minute on-line lectures weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BMSVMOPT-Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science), Master of Optometry
5 7 of BIOL1101, BIOL2771, HLTH1003, HLTH1210, MMED1005, MMED2931, MMED2933, MMED2935
6 1 of BIOL2772, MMED2934
2 1 of MDSC2000, OPTO2001
3 1 of OPTO2003, OPTO3004
4 1 of OPTO2002, PHYS2711
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6)
OPTO3006 - Normal Eye and Vision
Enrolment not permitted
1 of OPTO2004, OPTO2005 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
A sound understanding of human physiology and structure, and of neuroscience, as covered in the core prerequisite topics.
Assignments(s); Examination (70%); Laboratory; Tests.
Topic description
This topic will provide students with an understanding of the gross, histological and applied optometric anatomy of the structures underpinning human vision. They will learn the embryology of the eye and its associated structures, its vascular supply, its nerve supply, its musculature, the neuroanatomical pathways of vision, and congenital anomalies affecting the eye. In gaining a good understanding of the human eye, students will also gain a broader understanding of aspects of the anatomy of the human head which have particular relevance to vision. Understanding of structure will be linked to understanding of function.
Educational aims
The educational aim of this topic is to introduce students in the Vision Science stream of the Bachelor of Medical Science/Master of Optometry to the fundamental structure and basic function of the normal human eye and accessory visual structures. This will provide a solid platform on which to understand pathological changes in ocular disease, and on which to base subsequent training in applied optometric techniques and in optometric clinical skills.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will have:

  • a basic understanding of histological techniques and microscopy, with particular emphasis on the histology of the normal eye and associated structures

  • a broad understanding of the structure of the human head and in particular those structures, apart from the eye itself, that support vision.

  • a detailed understanding of the normal gross and microscopic anatomy of the orbit and its contents, and of its adjacent structures.

  • a detailed understanding of the cranial nerves in general, and in particular those cranial nerves directly related to the eye.

  • a good understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic musculature of the eye, how the extrinsic musculature is involved in eye movement, and how abnormal eye movements may provide clinically important information.

  • a good understanding of the neuroanatomy of the visual pathway.

  • a good understanding of the embryology of the human eye and associated structures, with a good understanding of the most common congenital abnormalities of the eye.