1 x 4-hour tutorial weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BMSVMOPT-Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science), Master of Optometry
2 3 of MDSC1102, MMED1005, PHYS1702, HLTH1210
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
1 OPTO2002 - Optics of the Eye and Vision
2 OPTO2003 - Communication for the Consulting Room
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Other requirements
Topic Coordinator approval is required for enrolment in this topic. Students should apply via
Enrolment not permitted
OPTO2007 has been successfully completed
Examination (60%); Laboratory participation; Practical work; Project work
Topic description
This topic gives students the foundations for understanding the supply, design and manufacture of various optical appliances. It also provides the skills and understanding to use various ophthalmic equipment and imaging devices enabling them to perform these tasks to a level that would be acceptable in professional practice.
Educational aims
The aims of this topic are to:

  • Enable students to understand how optical appliances are used in optometric practice

  • Provide students with an understanding of various ophthalmic equipment, their uses and how they fit within professional practice

  • Provide students with the knowledge required to be confident contributor within optometric practice.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be expected to be able to:

  • Effectively communicate to patients about various optical appliances

  • Order, fit adjust and troubleshoot for various optical appliances

  • Understand and communicate how ophthalmic measurement and imaging equipment works

  • Use various ophthalmic equipment to a professionally acceptable level

  • Understand the indications and how to assess quality of ophthalmic images, scans and measurements.