14 x 2-hour tutorials per semester
2 x 8-hour seminars per semester
3 x 8-hour intensive workshops per semester
1 x 24-week industry placement once-only
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into HBNTD-Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours)
2 36 unit(s) of NUTD3%
3 3 of NUTD9222, NUTD9220, NUTD9221
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2 and 3)
Enrolment not permitted
NUTD7003 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
This topic requires students to have an understanding of human nutrition as it applies to the clinical and public health setting. In addition, students are required to have an understanding of the fundamentals of nutritional epidemiology and introductory biostatistics.
Course context
This topic is designed to meet the national competency standards for entry level dietitians in Australia, specifically Unit 7: Research and Evaluation. It will be at an advanced level compared to the research topic administered for students of the Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics as this topic is a core topic for students admitted to the Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics Honours program.
Assignments; Placement; Seminar
Topic description
This topic provides an opportunity for students to conduct an independent research project in the area of nutrition and dietetics and to develop skills in critical evaluation of evidence. Students will develop a thorough understanding of the research process from planning to dissemination and gain an appreciation of the collaborative effort required for successfully undertaking research.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to:

  • Provide students with an opportunity to plan and implement an independent research project (qualitative or quantitative) in the area of nutrition and dietetics.

  • Develop in depth knowledge of an area of nutrition and dietetic science or practice of special interest to the student.

  • Develop the knowledge and skills required for design, interpretation and critical evaluation of studies which provide evidence for dietetic practice.

  • Develop skills in scientific writing and presentation.

  • Foster independent learning skills.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be expected to be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of nutritional epidemiology and research process to critically review and evaluate scientific literature in order to demonstrate (a) the rationale for, and (b) an ability to formulate, appropriate research questions to address practice problems of relevance to nutrition and dietetics.

  • Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the research process and the ability to apply this knowledge to the planning, implementation and evaluation of a research project of relevance to nutrition and dietetics, both independently and where appropriate, in collaboration with relevant experts.

  • Document and communicate research process and outcomes appropriate for professional and scientific audiences.

  • Demonstrate a professional (including ethical) approach to research conduct according to relevant guidelines/protocols and consistent with achieving harmonious, effective and timely research output.

  • Demonstrates a commitment to personal and professional development in the area of evidence based nutrition and dietetic practice.