2 x 50-minute lectures weekly
1 x 2-hour tutorial weekly
1 Admission into BND-Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics
1a Admission into HBNTD-Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours)
1b Admission into BHN-Bachelor of Human Nutrition
1c Admission into BMS-Bachelor of Medical Science
1d Admission into BMSH-Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
1e Admission into BEDSEC-Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
2 72 units of topics in admitted course
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e) and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of NUTD3014, NUTD9111 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
The physiological and biochemical processes central to the biological activity of nutrients such as digestion, metabolism and excretion.
Assignments; Examination (50%); Presentation.
Topic description
This topic will develop core knowledge of the biochemical and physiological roles and functions of nutrients in the human body. Nutrients will be grouped and studied according to function, with focus on the general principles and common patterns between them. Primary food sources of the macro- and micronutrients will be explored, as well as the biological effects of nutrient excesses and deficiencies.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to:

  • Enable students to develop core knowledge of the biochemical and physiological science of nutrients relevant to human health and disease.

  • Enable students to develop a systematic approach to learning about and understanding nutrients and their biological roles and functions.

  • Increase student skills in critical thinking through effective reading, understanding and summarising of peer-reviewed and textbook nutrition information.

  • Facilitate student collaboration through shared learning.

  • Foster independent learning skills.

Expected learning outcomes
By completion of this topic, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge about the biochemical and physiological processes essential for the biological activity of nutrients, including their digestion, absorption, bioavailability, transport, storage, metabolism, excretion and homeostasis.

  • Apply knowledge to describe nutrient requirements, metabolism and the health effects of nutrient excesses and deficiencies.

  • Identify and communicate knowledge about the primary Australian food sources of macronutrients and the major vitamins and minerals.

  • Work independently and collaboratively to describe significant nutrient interactions in the context of human health & disease, including interactions between nutrition and immunological function and important nutrient-drug interactions.

  • Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills required for independent learning and critical thinking through various assessment tasks.