1 x 2-hour Lecture weekly
6 x 2-hour Tutorials per semester.

Distance Education
1 x On-Line Lecture weekly
6 x On-Line Tutorials per semester
4 x On-Line Excercises per semester
NUTD1106 - Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health
Assumed knowledge
Knowledge of the fundamental principles of nutrition science including the role and dietary sources of the major essential nutrients.
Assignment(s), Case study, Exercises, Test(s)
Topic description

This topic will introduce students to the concept, formulation and uses of the Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) and the physiological basis of nutritional requirements and food habits in pregnancy and lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, middle-adult years and the ageing adult. Diseases of malnutrition in vulnerable age groups will be explored from a local Indigenous and International perspective.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Build on students' knowledge of the fundamental principles of nutrition science
  • Develop students' knowledge of normal growth and development and nutritional requirements at all stages of the life cycle
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Understand how nutrient reference values are determined and how to use them to assess the nutritional adequacy of the diets of individuals and populations
  2. Discuss how and why nutritional needs vary at each stage of the lifecycle
  3. Identify major areas of nutritional concern in each stage of the life cycle, including impact of physiological and developmental changes
  4. Recognize changes in food habits throughout the lifecycle
  5. Examine the role that nutrition plays regarding health promotion and disease prevention at various stages of the lifecycle
  6. Apply their knowledge to the planning of diets to meet nutrient needs during each stage of the life cycle
  7. Interpret research literature related to nutrition in the life cycle