8 x 2-hour tutorials per semester
2 x 1-hour on-line lectures weekly
Enrolment not permitted
NUTD3001 has been successfully completed
Assignments; Tests; Tutorial presentation.
Topic description
This is a foundation topic for nutrition professionals and those interested in learning more about the food supply. Food systems have the potential to impact on the health status of a population and provide an opportunity to improve public health nutrition. This topic examines the Australian food supply from ‘paddock to plate’ and explores the factors, both global and local, affecting the food supply. Contemporary food science and technology relating to food manufacturing and distribution are reviewed. Topical issues such as functional foods, genetic modification and health claims will be discussed. The topic provides an overview of food law, systems and regulations that are in place to ensure a safe food supply and adequately informed consumers.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • Familiarise students with food systems and the factors influencing them.

  • Review contemporary and innovative food science and technology used in our food supply and the impact of these on health.

  • Increase knowledge of food safety and hygiene and the regulations and systems in place to ensure that consumers are appropriately informed and have access to a safe food supply.

  • Encourage independent learning skills while at the same time work collaboratively

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Australian food system and the global and local factors affecting our food supply.

  • Describe food processing and preservation techniques and apply this knowledge to nutrition and dietetics.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of marketing strategies used by the food industry.

  • Evaluate and discuss innovations in the food supply and the potential application of these to public health nutrition.

  • Describe the principles (knowledge) of a safe food supply including monitoring and surveillance and risk assessment.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of Australian food law and regulation and the processes required to adequately inform consumers about the food supply.

  • Work collaboratively in a group and communicate their work via an oral presentation.