On Campus
1 x 1-hour tutorial fortnightly
3 x 1-hour online tutorials per semester
12 x 2-hour online exercises per semester

12 x 0.5-hour online tutorial per semester
3 x 1-hour online tutorials per semester
12 x 2-hour online exercises per semester
1 Admission into GCPHCCF-Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Child and Family Health Nursing)
1a Admission into GDPNGCF-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Child and Family Health)
1b Admission into MNGCF-Master of Nursing (Child and Family Health)
1c Admission into GDPNGPD-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Paediatrics)
1d Admission into MNGPD-Master of Nursing (Paediatrics)
1e Admission into GCACNG-Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing
1f Admission into GDPNGAC-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Acute Care)
1g Admission into MNGAC-Master of Nursing (Acute Care)
1h Admission into GCPHCNG-Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Nursing)
1i Admission into GDPNGPH-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Primary Health Care)
1j Admission into MNGPH-Master of Nursing (Primary Health Care)
1k Admission into GCACNGMH-Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (Mental Health)
1l Admission into GDPNGMH-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health)
1m Admission into MNGMH-Master of Nursing (Mental Health)
1n Admission into MNG/CR-Master of Nursing (Coursework and Research)
1o Admission into MNGGP-Master of Nursing (General Practice and Community)
1p Admission into MNGEN-Master of Nursing (Emergency)
1q Admission into MMID/CCR-Master of Midwifery by coursework (Coursework and Research)
1r Admission into MNGDM-Master of Nursing (Diabetes Management and Education)
1s Admission into GCCFHNG-Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing
1t Admission into MNGP-Master of Nursing - 1.5 years
1u Admission into MNG-Master of Nursing - 2 years
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n or 1o or 1p or 1q or 1r or 1s or 1t or 1u))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of NURS8101A, NURS8101B has been successfully completed
Assignments; Seminar; Tests.
Topic description

In this topic students will be introduced to key concepts related to working with children and their families in community child health settings. These include keeping children safe, principles of growth and development, the importance of attachment relationships and strategies to engage with infants, children and their families.

Educational aims

This topic aims to introduce the key concepts related to working with children and their families. These include keeping children safe, growth and development, attachment theories and engaging with infants, children and families.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Describe the relationship between the International Convention of the Rights of the Child to working with children in Australia
  2. Describe the principles of attachment and the impact of attachment relationships on health outcomes
  3. Identify and apply a range of developmental theories of child growth and development
  4. Identify and apply specific strategies for communicating with and engaging infants, children and their families