8 x 3-hour tutorials per semester
8 x 13-hour independent studies per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BNGU-Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration)
3 Admission into BNGUC-Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration)
5 Admission into BNGG-Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry)
2 2 of NURS1004, NURS1005A
4 ^ NURS1001 - Introduction to the Nursing Profession and Independent Learning
Must Satisfy: ((1 and 2) or (3 and 4) or (5))
Enrolment not permitted
NURS2020 has been successfully completed
Assignments; Quiz; Written Examination
Topic description

This topic introduces the processes of disease and injury and the use of pharmacological interventions in the human body. It builds on knowledge acquired in previous topics.

Educational aims

This topic aims to introduce principles of pathophysiology and pharmacology in the management of health conditions across the lifespan based on regional, national and global health priorities.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Construct critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills to understand the disease trajectory and pharmacological treatment options for a range of priority health conditions across the lifespan
  2. Analyse and interpret evidence on pharmacological interventions and the impact on pathophysiology, patient therapy and patient outcomes
  3. Apply knowledge of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics to justify selection of medication candidates and routes of administration for treatment of disease
  4. Describe how aging and/or disease may alter the pharmacokinetics of a drug, and make therapeutic recommendations based on these changes