1 x 4-hour workshop-1 once-only
1 x 1-hour workshop-3 once-only
1 x 2-hour workshop-2 weekly
1 x 405-hour clinical placement once-only
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
MMED9450 - Medicine 4A
Enrolment not permitted
1 of MMED8403, MMED8405 has been successfully completed
Topic description

In conjunction with MMED9450 Medicine 4A, this topic includes work integrated learning clinical placements offered as a continuum over years 3 and 4. Students undertake supervised experience within Medicine, Surgery, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Practice, and Psychiatry over Years 3 and 4. Students participate in a range of activities in clinical settings, attend lectures and tutorials and undertake self-directed learning. Students will focus on acquiring important knowledge and principles in all clinical disciplines and developing their ability to diagnose and manage common clinical problems.

Students will gain competence in communication and patient interaction skills, clinical skills and minor procedures within disciplines. Clinical skills learned in previous years are extended and applied within clinical settings and further competency in new skills and procedures are developed. Teaching and Learning takes place within structured clinical skills workshops, bedside and ambulatory teaching and individually supervised sessions. Simulation activities and assessments will complement the clinical placement learning and assessments for the topic.

In conjunction with MMED9450 Medicine 4A, students will complete further studies in the advanced studies theme, culminating in a year 4 capstone which focusses scholarly work and outputs of individualised research projects together with outputs which communicate the student's research.

Students will demonstrate self-regulated learning development across all eight course learning outcomes. Students will further develop the skills acquired in year 3, building towards attainment of the course graduate outcomes and the level required for internship and limited registration as a medical practitioner at the completion of MMED9450 Medicine 4A and MMED9451 Medicine topics of the Medical Program.

Educational aims

This topic aims for students to develop competency in each and every one of the eight course learning outcomes for the course, to the level of a graduate ready for commencement of internship and provisional registration as a medical practitioner. These educational aims are in conjunction with the MMED9450 Medicine 4A topic.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Acquire, consolidate and integrate a defined body of evidence-based knowledge from established biological, clinical, epidemiological, social, and behavioural sciences
  2. Undertake, assess, critically appraise, interpret, and apply evidence from medical research and the supporting sciences
  3. Formulate relevant research questions, select applicable study designs and undertake research to contribute to enhanced medical practice and health care provision
Apply core and integrated medical and scientific knowledge to individual patients in clinical practice and to populations and health systems to make judgments and provide optimal, ethical, and patient-centred medical and health care

  • Apply preventative and therapeutic interventions effectively, legally and ethically to diagnose and ensure quality care and patient safety
  • Communicate effectively and culturally appropriately in diverse and inter-professional healthcare teams to illicit information needed to support accurate problem formulation and optimal health care provision to diverse populations
  • Understand the Australian health care systems, the social determinants of health as well as the variance of health and illness models across diverse cultures, in particular the health of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations, and appreciates the need for social justice and advocacy in the delivery of health care
  • Demonstrate that you are an independent, collaborative, self-regulating learner who is aware of the limitations of your own knowledge and capabilities and has a commitment to address these in ongoing professional learning
  • Exercise leadership in wider roles of health advocacy, teaching, assessing, and appraising
  • Know and demonstrate a commitment to high standards of personal and professional behaviour with patients and their families, colleagues and inter-professional teams, in accordance with the Australian Medical Board’s document: Good Medical Practice: A Code of Conduct for Doctors in Australia 2010