4 x 2-hour independent studies weekly
3 x 50-minute on-line exercises weekly
Enrolment not permitted
MMED9101 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Although knowledge of anatomy and physiology, biochemistry and basic chemistry is assumed, relevant background update material in the form of brief notes and text book readings is incorporated into each module. This material provides an indication of the level of knowledge required for each module and allows the opportunity to refresh aspects of prior learning.
Assignments; online participation; tests.
Topic description

This topic addresses the key principles of pharmacology, with a focus on their application to inform the effects, dosing, variability, evaluation and monitoring of medicines. Opportunities exist to apply these principles to the use of drugs within a specialised area of practice.

Educational aims

This topic aims to assist students to develop a broad conceptual understanding of pharmacology and therapeutics by building a foundation of knowledge of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. This knowledge will then underpin critical analysis of the impact of life stages and disease states on drug therapy and will be complemented by an understanding of drug safety issues.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate links between basic pharmacology and therapeutics
  2. Integrate knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology as it relates to drug therapy
  3. Critically evaluate drug information sources including those relevant to complementary medicines
  4. Develop strategies to ensure careful selection, management, monitoring and review of drug therapy, and promote quality use of medicines
  5. Communicate key medicines-related information at a level appropriate to the situation