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1 of MATH1121, MATH1203
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Home Work Assignments, Examination
Topic description
This topic is a continuation of material of MATH1121 Mathematics 1A and together with MATH1121 Mathematics 1A is intended to provide access to all higher level mathematics topics which require knowledge of standard first year mathematics. The emphasis is on a modelling approach to mathematics and its applications within a coherent framework.

The material covered includes elementary transcendental functions. Integral calculus, fundamental theorem of the calculus, standard techniques of integration including substitution, parts, partial fractions, application to motion, arclength, area, volumes and solids of revolution, Taylor polynomials, series, power series, introduction to elementary differential equations, simple harmonic motion. Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrix algebra and determinants.
Educational aims
This topic is a continuation of the material of MATH1121 Mathematics 1A. This topic develops the properties of elementary transcendental functions and introduces key ideas and applications of integral calculus, matrix algebra and linear algebra.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of this topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Have a knowledge of the basic properties of the elementary transcedental functions
  2. Understand and apply the key ideas and methods of integral calculus
  3. Understand and analyse the relation between differential and integral calculus
  4. Understand and apply key ideas from linear and matrix algebra to the solution of systems of linear equations
  5. Develop further skills in the use of computational technology
  6. Have enhanced problem solving, critical and reasoning abilities
  7. Appreciate the historical context underlying the development of modern mathematical principles and ideas
  8. Have an informed appreciation of the wide applicability of integral calculus and matrix algebra in other areas of Science and Engineering