1 x 10-hour on-line exercises weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into JD-Juris Doctor
1a Admission into GCLA-Graduate Certificate in Laws
1b Admission into GDPLA-Graduate Diploma in Laws
2 ^ LLAW9601 - The Australian Legal System
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b) and 2)
Assignment(s), Examination(s), Test(s), Oral, Collaborative Workshop Exercises
Topic description

This topic will examine the concept of a contract and its functions including broad theories underpinning contract law. This will include the formation, performance and discharge of contracts; remedies for breach of contracts; the nature of contractual terms and their interpretation and also a broad introduction to vitiating factors.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Provide students with a broad theoretical knowledge of contract law
  • Provide students with a sound knowledge and understanding of the basic principles on the nature, formation, content and enforcement of contracts
  • Provide students with the knowledge and skills to determine the validity of a contract
  • Provide students with the knowledge and skills to interpret contractual terms
  • Introduce students to equitable concepts in the area of contract law; and
  • Highlight to students the modern role of equitable principles and remedies in the law of contract
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Theorise using knowledge and understanding of the broad theoretical basis of contract law including the various stages of contract development and remedies for breach
  2. Discuss their own professional judgment in the context of the law of contract
  3. Critique complex legal issues through legal reasoning and research to generate appropriate jurisprudential and practical responses to legal issues in the context of the law of contract
  4. Combine sophisticated cognitive and creative skills with critical analysis when approaching legal issues and generating appropriate responses in the context of the law of contract
  5. Justify and interpret theoretical propositions, legal methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions, in the context of the law of contract, using intellectual and practical skills
  6. Discuss the law of contract in ways that are effective, appropriate and persuasive for legal and non-legal audiences using a variety of communication methods and working with a high level of autonomy, accountability and professionalism