1 x 110-minute lecture weekly
1 x 50-minute tutorial fortnightly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BLAWLP-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice
1a Admission into BLAWLPG-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry)
1b Admission into BLAWLPR-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice
1c Admission into BLAWLPRH-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours)
1d Admission into BLAWLPRGH-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry) (Honours)
1e Admission into BLAWLPRG-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry)
2 1 of LLAW1212, LLAW1104
3 1 of LLAW1213, LLAW1103
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e) and 2 and 3)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of LLAW2107, LLAW3311 has been successfully completed
Topic description
Judicial review of administrative action, state and Commonwealth; the Administrative Decisions Judicial Review Act 1977 (Cth) and the relevant SA Rules of Court 2006; standing; reviewability; grounds of review; remedies. Statutory Interpretation 2 will include extrinsic aids to interpretation; the presumptions in statutory interpretation; the provisions of State and Commonwealth Acts Interpretation Acts on public officers.
Educational aims
This topic aims to assist students to:

understand the principles of judicial review

apply these principles to concrete problems

formulate and evaluate solutions to concrete problems

understand and apply statutory interpretation principles in concrete cases
Expected learning outcomes
A student will be able to:

explain the principles of judicial review

apply these principles to a problem

construct solutions to judicial review problems

understand and apply principles of statutory interpretation to legal problems at an advanced level