1 x 2-hour supervised study weekly
1 Admission into BLANG-Bachelor of Languages
2 31.5 Units of FREN Topics
2a 31.5 Units of ITAL Topics
2b 31.5 Units of MGRE Topics
2c 31.5 Units of SPAN Topics
2d 31.5 Units of INDO Topics
Must Satisfy: (1 and (2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d))
Project, Oral
Topic description

This topic offers students the opportunity to extend their knowledge in a defined field of Indonesian, Italian, French, Modern Greek or Spanish studies (language and/or culture) and acquire research and critical skills. Students will be required to undertake either a supervised research project or a class-based research project leading to the production of a report in the language of study, on a topic to be negotiated with the language-specific coordinator and the topic coordinator of the language they study. The scope of the project will be adapted to students' level of language proficiency (Upper Intermediate or Advanced level).

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Develop students' linguistic, analytical and critical skills through the elaboration of a research project on a defined area of Language Studies, and the production of a report in the language of study
  • Expose students to research methods appropriate to their field of study
  • Provide students with language training relative to the writing conventions of their language of study in order for students to present their project orally and in writing
  • Expose students to a body of knowledge relative to linguistic and/or cultural aspects of the specific area of research
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Define and identify a research topic related to their field of interest
  2. Review critically a field of study pertinent to their project
  3. Collect, organise, present and interpret data in relation to a research topic
  4. Understand and apply methods of inquiry appropriate to their field of study
  5. Communicate research findings orally and in writing using the appropriate conventions of the language of study
  6. Produce a report in the language of study, which is methodologically and linguistically sound