1 x 3-hour seminar weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
36 units of topics
Enrolment not permitted
1 of ITAL3502, ITAL3502A has been successfully completed
Course context

Students who have undertaken the study of Italian settlement in either ITAL3211 Italian Cultural Studies or ITAL3311 Extended Italian Cultural Studies are not permitted to enrol in this topic

Topic description

The topic examines the history of Italian settlement in Australia in the context of Italian migration in the 19th and 20th centuries. The topic considers: the various migration phases; the reasons for emigrating; the preferred destinations; the early Italian settlers in Australia; regional migration; migration patterns; settlement areas; occupations; early Anglo-Australian attitudes; Italians and fascism; internment and the Second World War; post-war migration; assimilationism and the Italian identity; Italian communities; second and third generation Italian-Australians. A segment of the topic is devoted to the history of Italian settlement in South Australia. No knowledge of Italian is necessary.

Educational aims

The topic aims to:

  • Assist students to be acquainted with, and understand, the principal patterns, processes, events and protagonists in the history of Italian migration abroad and particularly of settlement in Australia
  • Address the main issues related to Italian migration to Australia
  • Explore the changing community attitudes to, and opinions of, Italian migrants and their descendants
  • Develop students' skills in collecting and analysing information related to Italian migration to Australia
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Recognise, recall and discuss, orally and in writing, the principal patterns, processes, events and protagonists in the history of Italian migration abroad and of settlement in Australia
  2. Summarise, compare and critique oral and written texts relating to Italian migration
  3. Compare and contrast past and present attitudes to, and opinions of, Italian migrants and their descendants
  4. Collect, interpret and critique primary oral and written sources related to migration