Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
1 1 of INTR9118, POAD9058
2 A GPA of at least [rule_value] in MAIR-Master of Arts (International Relations)
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Course context

Supervisory arrangements to be negotiated with the Director of Studies.

Topic description

Supervised research on an approved subject relating to international relations, leading to the writing of a dissertation. The dissertation should give evidence of the student's ability to collect and evaluate information, construct, test and defend an argument and critically examine theories in the area of enquiry. The dissertation will be assessed by at least two examiners, at least one of whom will be external to the University. The supervisor will not be an examiner.

Educational aims

This topic aims to:

  • Provide scope to develop a special research interest under the supervision of an individual staff member provide the chance to enhance research skills to an extent not possible earlier in the degree, by working in an intensive way and reading widely on a quite particular issue
  • Enable a student to show originality in the writing of an extended piece of argument (around 18,000 words) which is fully supported by an extensive range of evidence, including primary evidence
  • Provide the opportunity to examine directly some of the academic literature in political and international studies
  • Adequately prepare the student for postgraduate work
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Manage a piece of sustained research and writing
  2. Work in an independent way, largely taking responsibility for the form, argument and quality of the final thesis
  3. Understand the critical need to employ reliable research methods
  4. Support an extended argument with appropriate and convincing evidence by way of well-organised footnotes and bibliographic support
  5. Achieve a level of originality in some aspect(s) of the thesis submitted