13 x 2-hour seminars per semester
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
INTR3103 - International Practicum
Enrolment not permitted
1 of GLOB3002, INTR3002 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
The completion of at least 9 units of second-level topics from the International Relations major sequence.

ALL students planning to undertake and enrol in this practicum MUST contact the topic convener prior to the start of the semester to discuss practicum options and to get crucial information about the expectations and limitations of this topic. Many practicum opportunities may take the full year to organise and complete - particularly if it involves overseas travel, but also for local placements and activities. Meetings will be held occasionally throughout both semesters to assess individual progress. Field Placements consists of at least 30 hours.
Diary, Report, Presentation, Work placement
Topic description
Flinders graduates will enter a globalised workforce and are likely to work in multinational teams in varied locations or in multicultural settings in Australia.

The purpose of this topic is to help prepare participants for this dynamic international future through experience in international contexts. The experience might be through participation in an approved international study tour, work-placement, volunteer program or practicum (either offshore or onshore); or through an approved program of reflection on prior international experience.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • Facilitate, recognise and reward international work or work-related experience for each student

  • Cultivate students' capacity to reflect on their experiences through at least one of the frameworks of experiential learning, reflective practice, or action learning

  • Develop an awareness of complications and opportunities attending work in an international context

  • Help students apply learning from topics in their degree majors to decision-making in their international work or work-related experience

  • Support students' developing scholarly communication (written and oral; formal and informal; descriptive and analytic).
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate they have undertaken approved international experience and/or approved reflection on international experience

  2. Identify complications and opportunities attending work in an international context

  3. Use prior learning to enrich their international experience and support associated decision making

  4. Report on their experience orally and in writing.