1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
Prerequisites ^ = May be enrolled concurrently
2 36 Units completed in the course
1 Admission into BIR-Bachelor of International Relations
1a Admission into BA-Bachelor of Arts
1b Admission into BAHA-Bachelor of Arts - Enhanced Program for High Achievers
1c Admission into BAGIS-Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems
1d Admission into BASC-Bachelor of Arts and Science
1e Admission into BEDECBA-Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Bachelor of Arts
1f Admission into BEDPRBA-Bachelor of Education (Primary), Bachelor of Arts
1g Admission into BAMTPR-Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary)
1h Admission into BMEDIA-Bachelor of Media
1i Admission into BJS-Bachelor of Justice and Society
1j Admission into BIS-Bachelor of International Studies
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j) and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of INST3001, INST3002 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
This topic assumes familiarity with the kind of knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills that would be acquired by the completion of at least 72 units of topics in the Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of International Relations.
Course context
Capstone topic Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor ofInternational Relations
Assignment, Examinations, Tutorial participation
Topic description
This topic, mandatory for students completing the Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of International Relations, provides advanced level, cross-disciplinary perspectives on International Studies. It enables students to draw on the expertise they have acquired in the course of their studies; to apply their knowledge and skills to addressing some problems and dilemmas in the international sphere; to undertake further research; and to hone their written and verbal communication skills and other professional attributes. The topic is likely to focus on issues of world politics such as globalisation, terrorism, international trade and finance, the international movement of peoples, human rights, the environment, ethnicity and religion in politics, the politics of development, the power of multinational corporations and other non-state international institutions, regionalism and alliances. Students are expected to give an oral presentation which addresses specific international problems and controversies. The topic also addresses postgraduate study and employment options for graduates in International Relations.
Educational aims
The pedagogical goals of this topic are:
  • To equip students to continually renew their understanding of international and trans-national issues throughout their professional and civic lives
  • To encourage students to enhance their understanding of at least one field of contemporary enquiry in international studies, whether it is a particular country, region, international organisation, or trans-national challenge
  • To give International Studies students the opportunity to practice a suite of professional skills that will be of immediate, practical value in a professional environment. These include oral and visual presentation skills, as well as the traditional complement of academic skills, such as research, analysis and written presentation.

Expected learning outcomes
Students successfully completing this topic should be able to:
  • Identify major issues at stake on the contemporary international scene
  • Undertake an advanced-level analysis of international issues
  • Appreciate the role of major international forums and international organisations
  • Apply well-developed generic skills in academic research, analysis, oral and visual presentation, and professional writing
  • Present themselves as well-prepared graduate professionals